Facebook goes “meta”: path to the Metaverse, Oculus Rift and “Horizion” (digital world 1.0)

Facebook becomes “Meta” – Facebook announced today that the new name of the company, from now on will be “Meta”. This is not only about Facebook, but especially about the “Metaverse”, more about that in a moment. The branding is no longer to be “just” about Facebook. After all, so much more belongs to the […]

Create Facebook Ads yourself! Only 3 steps – Pixel, Business Manager, Audience, Ads

Do Facebook Ads yourself – How to run Facebook Ads / Instagram Ads? How much does advertising cost in Facebook? The A&O is the Facebook Pixel. This pixel collects data about target groups, visitors and fans. From this data, we can target ads on Facebook. The Facebook Pixel helps you to use your social ad […]

Facebook Algorithm, Affiliate Marketing & Passive Income – Marketing Podcast

Facebook Algorithm, Affiliate Marketing & Passive Income – Sometimes the little things in life make all the difference! In episode #2 we talk about Facebook algorithm, affiliate marketing, passive income, TikTok, the week, Lasse & Lukinski! “Digital people” have the attention span of a goldfish, 7 seconds! The big question is: How does our brain […]

UTM parameters: Definition, Google Analytics for E-Commerce, Youtube, Facebook & Co. + Example

In online marketing, often nothing is more important than measuring success. For campaigns on social media networks like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, but also for Google Ads and Native Ads. UTM parameters: Definition and example How do you know if your efforts in online marketing (whether advertising or organic content marketing, etc.) are successful? […]

Social Media Marketing Agency Berlin – Instagram, Youtube, Facebook & TikTok

Social Media Marketing – Marketing today is so much more complex than ever before. The marketing mix is constantly expanding. Berlin is a hotspot for ideas but also full of competition. If you want attention and reach, you have to use new methods and strategies. The importance of social media marketing is increasing for companies […]

SEO on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram? Channel Name to Video Marketing (Search Engine Optimization)

Social Media SEO – After our big editorial on the basics search engine optimization, we wanted to take a closer look at the topic of search engine optimization on social networks like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram today! In principle, this is also about “keyword”-optimization. However, we often talk about “search engine optimization” on social networks […]

Facebook statistics: advertising, marketing, users, share price & infographics

Facebook – marketing, advertising, users, … what facts and figures are there about the largest social network in the world? At the beginning of the year, Facebook had 2.2 billion users worldwide. But if you look at the age structure you can see that the youth is migrating to alternatives like Instagram and TikTok. Facebook […]

Facebook Ads agency: place ads

Social Media Statistics: Current users & user numbers

Social Media Statistics: Current users & user numbers – Which factors and numbers are the basis for social media marketing? Between all the hundreds or even thousands of factors to consider, from different regions, cities, countries to different age groups to different interests people can have. We’d like to take you away for a few […]

Social Media Agency for Banking and Finance: Strategy, Marketing and Reach

Seriousness and social media marketing – especially for banks, serious social media marketing but also content management and community management is decisive for brand awareness. Credible products, honest statements and trustworthy references are what counts when a bank wants to use social media marketing. The agreement between the internal marketing and the social media agency […]