Social Media Marketing Report Wolfsburg

Soziale Netzwerke sind ein Geflecht aus dynamischen Gruppen von Menschen, verschiedenen Plattformen und technischen Funktionen die unsere Kommunikation mit Freunden allgegenwärtig und multimedial macht. Unsere Manager verkaufen Marken durch smarte Social Media Kampagnen. Ihre Agentur für Instagram und Facebook für nationale, regionale und internationale Medienprojekte. Für innovatives, zielgruppenorientiertes digitales Marketing beraten Sie die Social Media One Manager gern. Die permanente Neudefinition und Beobachtung der eigenen Zielgruppe erhöht die Reichweite Ihrer gesamten Kanäle. Online-Marketing ist nun zu den bekannten Standard Marketinginstrumenten für Medien Manager Social Media Marketing konzipiert für Ihr Unternehmen reichweitenstarke Events, sowie effiziente Kommunikation in Communities.

Influencers, multipliers and social media marketing from the expert

In online marketing we have experts for your campaign. With innovative, social media ideas between Instagram and Facebook. We are the media agency for all businesses for your social media campaigns. has become normal for many agencies. Social media marketing has an increasingly clear share in. Our agency advertising campaigns for well-known clients from Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Hanover to Munich with customers and companies realized. Increase your sales sustainably.

Our social media agency rely on viral, powerful media in our social media management. Your unique presence in social media With Social Media One, the professionals for Facebook advertising campaigns, you can be sure to reach the right users at any time without large scattering losses in the media. Build brand fans for yourself and your brand now with creative social media marketing. On market leader Facebook alone, one in three German citizens is active with their own account, a high number of potential customers that you can reach quickly at any time with Facebook Ads targeted for new ideas. The Internet: With all its all its extremely fast processes, its virality, is firmly anchored in the strategy mix of marketers. According to the ARD/ZDF online study, over sixty million German citizens are active on the Internet. Win fans with good digital marketing strategies. Through the takeover of Facebook, you as a marketing representative now have exactly the same possibilities to set your ads on Instagram as in Admanager and we as an agency can advertise target groups very precisely with ads. A large number of marketing representatives in companies do not yet see the potential that lies in the social network Instagram.


DIY! Facebook Marketing Online Course Recommendation

There are many tutorials and good social media marketing articles on the blog. However, if you want to know insiders, you have to dig deeper into the bag of tricks. Even for small businesses, this Facebook marketing course from our partner agency AdBaker is worth a look. In the article ‘Facebook Marketing’ I explain the online workshop of our choice in ten steps:

Social Media Marketing Report Wolfsburg for the biggest social networks

Currently, 124,045 inhabitants live in Wolfsburg’s city centre and suburban districts. With a population density of 608 city residents / square kilometer, digital advertising for startups in Wolfsburg pays off. As you can see from the numbers, that’s an extremely large number of potential customers, immediately, Not far away in your immediate area. In 2010, 121,451 people still lived in Wolfsburg, a permanently changing city. By no means a new phenomenon, the total population of Wolfsburg has grown by 2,594 inhabitants or 2% in the last five years. A quick glance of a marketing manager at online studies reveals that statistically Wolfsburg companies, brands and businesses invest almost 9 billion euros annually in digital marketing, did you know? Even board members are online in social networks. A full 1,588 people want to find more clients. More than only in the known Buisnessportalen!

“Always Online”! Also valid for Wolfsburg Facebook users

The largest number of visitors is in the prime time from about 19-20 clock are 26,049 people in Wolfsburg Online. According to this calculation you reach 10 thousand people more here! Other time periods are hardly worthwhile. From 8pm to midnight, only 14,885 potential brand fans from Wolfsburg are online. 16,287 Wolfsburgers are online in social networks and communities in the period from 6am to midnight.

Only in Wolfsburg is the Like button pressed 83,515 times by members on social networks every single working day. A whole 6,496 pictures of themselves and friends are posted.

30,971 Wolfsburg users want to keep in touch with friends. 16,280 users want to talk to other people on social media. 11,912 want to find friends. And in turn, 1,588 of Wolfsburg’s Internet users want to bring in other buyers.

Main usage times for Wolfsburg

Interaction Facebook Instagram Youtube Snapchat
People / Users People / Users People / Users People / Users
social media
Users per day
in Wolfsburg
11.795 1.111 1.212 606
5-8 o’clock 2.084 254 277 138
8 am – 1 pm 10.003 1.218 1.329 665
13-16 h 11.809 1.438 1.569 785
4-8 p.m. 13.372 1.629 1.777 888
20-24 h 8.336 1.015 1.108 554
Prime Time (Peak)
19-20 o’clock 14.588 1.778 1.939 969
Daily cut 11.795 1.111 1.212 606
Peak increase
at a daily average
11.795 1.111 1.212 606

Daily social media interactions from Wolfsburg

Interaction Facebook Instagram
People / Users People / Users
Interactions per day
in Wolfsburg
49.367 6.016
Comments and Likes 46.768 5.699
News 103.930 12.664
Photos 3.638 443
Friends, acquaintances 17.344 2.113
Chats, Entertainment 9.117 1.111
New acquaintances, friends 6.671 813
Profession, Job, Career 1.557 190
customer acquisition 889 108

Page views per month from Wolfsburg

Interaction Facebook Instagram
People / Users People / Users
Visitors / month
in m
832.462 24.070
Visitors per year
in m
9.989.538 288.843