Social Media Marketing Report Münster

Social Media Marketing designs for you a unique digital presence, highly targeted targeting of user groups and rapid increase in reach. The agency for Instagram and Facebook for regional, national and international marketing campaigns. For all companies, innovative social media marketing is therefore an indispensable tool for effective online marketing without much wasted coverage.

Social Media Marketing in Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat for Münster

The numerous video, photo and messaging functions of social networks make communication with our friends so fast. Well coordinated campaigns in social media market your new products or services much more efficiently and through targeting with much less wastage than in traditional media. For promotion of physical or digital production in we are reliable contacts and planners. With innovative multimedia strategies between Youtube, Twitter and Facebook. The permanent observation and analysis of your interest group additionally increases the conversion rate of your entire channels.

Offensive advertising in digital portals is now one of the standards in every marketing department Virality decides when it comes to unique companies in social networks for established brands. In Berlin, Hamburg but also Stuttgart we have designed advertising campaigns with our clients. When it comes to digital marketing, we at Social Media One have expertise for your campaign. Your social media brand presence has become commonplace for various companies, social media is contributing an increasingly crucial part of the campaign budget. Increase your net sales of your online business right now.


Germany: A Social Media Country

Media usage in Germany shows: 60+ million German citizens are on the worldwide web, according to ARD/ZDF Online Study. Build brand fans for the long term today and use new tools from Facebook like retargeting pixels for lead generation for your targeted KPIs. One in three Germans is active on the largest social network Facebook alone. Millions of potential customers that you can reach specifically for you. With our agency Social Media One, the professionals for social media advertising campaigns in Berlin, you can be sure to reach the right users at any minute without much wastage. Tell your Berlin users your individual story and gain followers for your brand and for many years to come. The internet, with all its digital marketing possibilities, is firmly anchored in the strategy mix of marketing departments. Invest in low wastage through very precise targeting. Many marketing departments still do not see the potential, especially in young target groups, which is in the social network Instagram. What makes Instagram so effective is its hyper-accurate user data. With features like Graph Search from Facebook, your project manager has great options at their disposal, not only to get to know subscribers exactly, so we quickly create accurate social media concepts for you. The sharper the target group the more frequent your fan interaction will be. Our social media managers always look after and advise all clients with self-interest and great commitment. With Social Media One your company has social media consultants for your planned or even your very first campaign.

Social Media Marketing Report Münster for the largest social networks in Germany

Currently there are 310,039 inhabitants in Münster. In relation to the total area of Münster, you and your agency as a regional startup can directly about 1,022 people / km ² in their own environment. As you can see from the numbers, that’s an extremely large number of consumers. Earlier in 2010 it was still 279,803. Long no new trend, the population of Münster grows whole thus by 30,236 city dwellers or 11% in only 5 years. Results from online studies show. Statistically seen Münsterer family businesses and companies spend 22 billion euro annually for advertisement in the Internet, with it we did not reckon after the analysis? Of course, are just as marketing managers themselves, a whole 3,970 want to know more clients. Not only in well-tried career portals. You might be wondering, is it worth it now in strategies like Facebook Ads?

DIY! Facebook Marketing Online Course Recommendation

There are many tutorials and good social media marketing articles on the blog. However, if you want to know insiders, you have to dig deeper into the bag of tricks. Even for small businesses, this Facebook marketing course from our partner agency AdBaker is worth a look. In the article ‘Facebook Marketing’ I explain the online workshop of our choice in ten steps:

The best time for advertising: Primetime is every evening from about 7 pm!

They peak between 7pm-8pm every day with 65,108 internet users. In the peak time of social media you reach 24,400 more people with your ad! 40,708 Münsterers become online in social networks and communities in the period from 6-24 o’clock at night. Other times, on the other hand, are only worth investing in ads to a limited extent. Compared to prime time, only 9,301 people are online in Münster from 5-8 o’clock.

Interaction: This is how social Münster ticks – rating, recommendation, likes and comments in all channels

Only rating photos is the daily activity of around 220,334 people in Münster. Only in Münster’s surroundings 208,738 times a day the “Like” button is pressed by users in social networks. Approximately 463,861 messages are sent. And a whole 16,235 photos of beautiful memories are posted by registered people.

40,690 Münster Internet users want to talk to other people on social media. 6,947 use social media especially for jobs and career opportunities. And in turn 3,970 want to find other multipliers for projects online.

Behind the screen! That is why Münsterer Online

Interaction Facebook Instagram
People / Users People / Users
Intercations / Day
in Münster
123.387 15.035
Likes, Comments 116.893 14.244
News 259.762 31.653
Photos 9.092 1.108
Contacts and friends 43.349 5.282
Entertainment, Chats 22.786 2.777
New acquaintances, friends 16.673 2.032
Work, Profession, Career 3.890 474
New customers, acquisition 2.223 271

Visits per month from Münster

Interaction Facebook Instagram
People / Users People / Users
Visitors / month
in m
2.081.154 60.161
Visitors / year
in m
24.973.846 721.937