Speaker: Social Media Manager Training – Today it’s about food!

Today we were guests in Bavaria! Beautifully located but also planning intensive, today’s workshop meeting has taken us into the heart of Bavaria. Early in the morning, 7 o’clock in Munich, with the start of the hotel began super, fantastic weather, the Munich city center, the anticipation is great and the first way leads us to the Bavarian country. You rarely experience such wonderful moments during a speech, even on arrival. The sunrise over the Bavarian Alps, small lakes and left and right again and again a few cows. Not only wonderfully romantic but also a perfect preparation for today’s workshop in a large organic food company. With a long tradition and company history, the company is not only well positioned in the specialist trade but also digitally. Social media marketing is also to be expanded so that the online shop receives even more attention. More reach, more fans and more information for all those who already love the brand and all those who will hopefully soon love the brand! After a three-quarter hour drive over the green landscapes of Bavaria we were there. In the midst of green meadows, a small village and a huge headquarters. However, not in the way one thinks of a classical headquarters, but in the way it should look for a modern organic company!

First we came to an entrance, with a small biotope, everything framed with glass and over a small wooden bridge it went in over the shallow water, the friendly reception let me then on another building, could the small biotope still be topped? Yes! In the marketing building, there is a small organic supermarket downstairs, next to it a kitchen, with bakery, butcher and daily changing menu. You don’t have to eat in a barren room, you can use the huge foyer with big plants, small wooden sticks connecting the different tables, bright, large glass surfaces and friendly staff. If I wanted to work in a food company, I’d start here!

Best Practice Food – More about this topic:

Philosophy in companies for authentic social media marketing

The business environment is particularly important for authentic social media marketing. Do we convey a marketing message that we create purely through our conception or do we reflect a real, honest environment? Those who already have a positive influence in their own company in such a holistic way will receive a lot of positive feedback from their fans to the social networks as well as from their employees. Because even a nice working environment ensures that a brand is perceived as interesting both internally by the own employees and externally by the customer. And interest is exactly what we want for our marketing! The more prospective customers we attract, the more products we can sell. Reach is therefore the be-all and end-all in social networks and also in marketing. The positive effect that the own working environment can have is also shown by the companies themselves, as well as Facebook. With different zones so that employees do not find themselves in grey boxes, but in a free environment in which they can also develop themselves. Satisfied employees attract new applications and so you are much better positioned in recruiting. Finding new talents for your own company can increase your own growth. Social media marketing is about more than just your own marketing. It is about customers, prospective customers, people who do not know us yet but also people who know us by heart, as well as employees. The own social media concept should cover all these components and transport them in the messages. That’s what it’s all about today!

Lecture Structure, Social Media Marketing and Emotions

Social media marketing can of course be explained in principle in its strategies and methods, so that one understands the processes behind it, for example, the causes and effects. Here in Munich, we have been particularly concerned with promoting social media marketing. Although the brand is represented in thousands of stores, the current social media figures can still be significantly expanded. We are currently still below a threshold of 1000 fans. The first 1000 fans, as we already reported in one of our blog entries, are very important for the reputation and also the public image. The aim should be to reach not only our own customers in Munich but throughout Germany through classic social media marketing and advertising and ideally to draw them to the online shop or to remind them to use our product in the supermarket the next time they shop!

Lecture Part 1, Social Media Marketing and Advertisements

In the first part of the lecture, we will focus in particular on standardized marketing opportunities through social networks. While the emotionalization is only discussed in the second part, the basics are really at stake here. We talk about the basic possibilities that are offered in the social networks. Because the individual social networks differ in their possibilities to generate reach but also in the functional possibilities and/or in the target group. Depending on the product and brand, careful attention should of course be paid in the run-up to such a strategy for social networks to which networks one reaches which people in order to draw the greatest effect from one’s own campaign. If you focus on the wrong social network right from the start, you are burning cash and will not reach the right people who will ultimately interact with our product or brand. That’s why we filter in the first part of the lecture which social networks are profitable at all. Point for such a food company that works strongly in the organic sector and thus also has a trend, here we speak of organic food or also the whole area around vegan and just the explicit sale of organic products. A positive image that ideally we should also reach a target group interested in such products. These include, of course, young mothers who focus on a healthy diet for themselves and their families. They also include young to middle-aged people who can still be reached via social networks. Those who most likely have a higher standard of living and can therefore afford food that is a little more expensive than the conventional product from the supermarket, but who have a high affinity to online trade, as this is to be expanded in the future. All these factors must also be taken into account and we are not yet in the active work of the Social Media Manager. We also focus not only on the needs here in Munich and the surrounding area, in Bavaria, but also on the needs of the inhabitants of Berlin, Hamburg and cities such as Cologne, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt. The company is positioned throughout Germany but is also active in various other markets, in a total of 17 countries. First of all, however, we want to create a working concept in our home market that can then also be adopted for other markets or languages.

In the first part of the workshop, we will discuss all these aspects, but also other factors, e.g. the various placement possibilities of the content as well as advertising measures, with the employees in Marketing.

Lecture part 2, reach and emotionalization in content

Content is the big magic word when it comes to success and social networks but also in the entire online marketing. Content is not only important in social networks, search engine optimization also depends on good content. Those who manage to create content that inspires people or to which they assign added value will automatically generate more reach through the higher interaction rate of their own fans and followers. Here about the interaction rate is, that is, the more frequently a post is commented, geliked or even shared, the more attention it gets through the algorithm of social networks. This increases the relevance of your own contribution but also of your own social media channel. The more continuously one maintains this strategy, the more successful one becomes automatically. It is important that the content has an emotional effect on our fans. Therefore we create in our lecture different creative concept which we discuss here in Munich live on site. Our creative concept is based on the observation of various players in the market. This includes e.g. bloggers but also magazines or media that deal with the topic of food. One looks a little at the international markets and other regions that have similar preferences, but differ a little in their strategies and methods, as well as America or South Korea. It is about competition and competition, but also about more distant competitors, as well as completely different industries and the learnings that can be drawn from their social media activities as a company. In the second part of the presentation, we look at these aspects and how they can be used to fill their social channel with daily content that not only gives their fans more value but also a certain emotional attachment to their brand. Over time, days, weeks and months we form real brand fans. That’s why they do social media marketing!

Social Media Agency Munich

Are you looking for an agency that can show you as a company in Munich how to create performance on social media? Our social media experts help their employees in training and further education to master the first important challenges for their company. We show possibilities and strategies and develop a first plan together, for the first weeks and months. With the lecture and with the later practical work of their employees, the knowledge will be consolidated and expanded. Ultimately, as a company they are then able to conduct their basic social media marketing in-house so that they can constantly advance the latest content and guarantee a look behind the scenes. Workshop, strategy or consulting, our experts are there for your company. Get in touch with us.