Social Media Manager

Social media managers take over the classic advertising and marketing tasks in and for companies and projects. Social media platforms have changed significantly in recent years. The small social space for pastime has become the omnipresent communication platform. Everyone, especially in developed countries, is part of this big community. Absolute placements among the platforms are Facebook and Youtube. Facebook is, however, by far the number one place. Behind this are various business networks with more or less potential. Among them are Instagram, here users exchange pictures before each other, Twitter, which stands for small text messages, but also Tumblr. Social networks are by no means a new phenomenon. Sizes like the us-american company myspace have hardly any relevance. The German network StudiVZ has even stopped the work completely. Nevertheless, the number of networks that have the success of the users or even expand it is overwhelming.

Social Media Networks: Group dynamics – Social commitment and dependency

The individual social networks use very different interests and requirements. From the users it is a huge difference whether you as a company via Facebook, Youtube or Instagram act. Nevertheless, all networks are based on the idea: communication and data exchange. A few hundred years ago, he stayed in his hometown for a lifetime, married and got children. New contacts were rarely made. Today most of the countries and continents live up to their twentieth year. The place of residence has long ceased to be a solid property. New trends such as the “digital nomad” show that people today are more flexible, get to know new places and people.

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