Coaching: Email Funnel, Leads + More Clients! Tips and strategies for coaches

Selling coaching in the email funnel – Online coaching is more in demand than ever. Virtual learning, so-called “e-learning” is revolutionizing the coaching market. How can you attract new customers for coaching? In the age of Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, there is only one smart answer: email marketing or email funnels, also colloquially called “newsletter marketing” – but importantly, an email funnel is not a typical newsletter! Learn here everything important to sell coaching, digital products and also live seminars. Win customers in 2025: Here’s how!

What is an email / sales funnel?

With our agency you have the right sparring partner for your ideas. Success at work, happiness in life, dating, relationship, nutrition or even solar systems, house construction and real estate investment – the variety of topics is large.

First of all, the great advantage of an email funnel: automated emails

Especially for coachings, trainings, advanced trainings, which take place digitally, but also for live events, email funnels can be used excellently to turn prospects into buyers. Not only buyers, through further strategies like cross-selling and up-selling, similar products can be sold (cross) and higher priced products (up).

The second major advantage of an email funnel is that once a user has registered with their contact details(opt-in), you can send them information again and again. Automated, segmented and personalized, of course.

Email Funnel Guide: Here’s what you learn

This guide will help you:

  • Understanding email marketing
  • Understand the email funnel structure
  • Examples of automated emails
  • Sales of digital products and events

In few sales areas, we can virtually promise success, but in email marketing, especially for coaches, we have first-class references. Not only once, our clients and ourselves were surprised by the results of individual email marketing campaigns. Let’s start with the basics:

Funnel = “optimized sales funnel

An email funnel is an optimized “sales funnel” into which leads (i.e. qualified traffic via social ads or Google Ads, for example) are initiated. Leads can be collected via various sources:

  • Internal, for example own website
  • External, leads from third parties (such as affiliate partners)

Funnel means that users are first collected with little information, e.g. only their email address, so that the barrier to entry is as low as possible. Through segmentation and personalization, they get to know each individual user (data based) better and better and can accordingly design the offers more and more precisely. You will get to know exactly how this works in a moment!

Infographic: How the funnel works

The “sales funnel”:

  • Funnel = funnel
  • Traffic = Incoming visitors
  • Leads = Successful entries (Opt-In)
  • Touchpoints = Individual emails
  • Sales = closing or product sale

Advantage Funnel: Direct, automated and personalized

Many people think that email marketing no longer brings the success it once did. But email marketing today is just as effective, even more effective, than ever before, thanks to data tracking.

Click tracking, opening rate: who does what?

Tracking and user data – Especially through technical enhancements, new functions and data analysis (who is doing what), a lot of details can be evaluated nowadays, of which one had no knowledge before. A simple example: Is a link, in a sent e-mail a) clicked or b) not? Every click is registered and the data stored.

The more data they collect about the individual user, the better!

Depending on the action, the email funnel can adapt.

  • Email opened with topic X?
  • Link to topic X clicked?

10,000 + leads and all automated

No matter if you have 10 leads in your “newsletter list”, 100 leads, 1.000 or even 10.000 leads, the work will not be more, because you work with automated emails. Through the analytics, e.g. click tracking, as just learned, different target groups can be segmented and the address, or even the coaching products offered, increasingly personalized.

Immediately on smartphone and notebook

Emails reach your users directly on their smartphone, tablet or notebook.

This makes email marketing so immediate, who blocks push notifications from their email program on their cell phone? This in turn ensures that the return on investment (ROI) is above average compared to other online marketing measures. This is also shown by our various cases and references in email marketing, for coaches and digital products.

Tip! You don’t want to wait long, but gain more customers directly? Get in touch with our contact persons:

Advantages at a glance: 5 convincing facts

Let’s recap your email marketing advantages:

  1. Automated: Email marketing
  2. Relevant: Segmentation
  3. Personal: Personalization
  4. Direct: Newsletters are direct
  5. Particularly high ROI

And this is how it works:

Create email funnel: Basics

You’ve now learned a lot about how to use email funnels and email marketing as a coach for your digital products and events.

Whether high pricing or low budget for the masses. In the following, we would like to show you schematically how such an email funnel works, with its automated emails and processes.

How does a funnel work? The email “machine

As soon as users have registered in your email funnel(opt-in), the “machine” starts. For example, by immediately sending the person a welcome email, perhaps even with a link to a small survey! In the survey, the first segmentation takes place, for example based on areas of interest, so that our user really only gets the messages he or she is interested in!

Right from the beginning, this starts the process of automated emails.

From opt-in to personalization:

  1. Double Opt-In -> Data Protection Compliant
  2. Survey -> Segmentation
  3. Start -> Automated emails
  4. Personalization -> Tracking and analysis

Infographic: Email Funnel + AIDA Model

How do you get leads to become customers?

A method goes according to the AIDA model that goes from 1) attention to 2) interest. After that, 3) interest is aroused / desire is awakened and the lead executes 4) the conclusion and / or purchase.

The next step is to move on to up-sells and cross-sells (more on this later).

AIDA model in the email funnel:

Segmentation: After the opt-in

Opt-in means “to enter”. Already in this first step the segmentation of the user can take place.

For example, through the aforementioned links placed within an email and tracked through tracking methods. Another example was the survey tool just mentioned, with which you can get segmentation information directly after registration, such as interests or goals.

Query even more data? That makes sense for your coaching prospects (leads)! Because this way they only get information on the topics that really interest them.

  • Segmentation through link tracking
  • Segmentation through email open tracking
  • Segmentation through survey tool

The goal:

  • Does user X like topic Y – yes / no?
  • If so, more input on topic Y
  • If not, no input on topic Y

Automated emails: pre-planned content and timeframes

After that, you start sending your automated emails. With the first welcome email, but also with all the other prepared emails that are sent again and again in the same rhythm to new leads in the funnel.

The paths of the individual users, the so-called “customer journey,” is planned in advance.

This methodology of automated emails is also great for scaling your coaching products. After you create your email funnel, as described, it doesn’t matter to you if 1 lead has signed up, 100 or 10,000 leads. the path is always the same and leads from your first welcome email to the coaching product (see: infographic sales funnel).

Tips! Later, 3 more example and strategies for automated emails.

Personalization: Segmentation through touchpoints

How an email funnel is personalized little by little, step by step, you have already learned in the course of the article, in segmentation.

This personalization is extremely important, because with each new piece of information, you can go new ways with the individual user. Therefore, such a newsletter funnel does not “only” consist of 20 always the same emails, but of an extensive planning, which takes into account all ways and possibilities. So user X doesn’t like product A, but is perhaps interested in product B. Every single email provides another, so-called “touchpoint”, where you can collect data on the lead.

Practical example: Real estate coaching.

A customer in the field of real estate marketing, has different groups of interested parties. There are so-called 1) “owner-occupiers”, i.e. those who are looking for their dream house, there are 2) “capital investors” who would like to rent out a property but have little equity capital, yet others 3) have inherited and have quickly come into the possession of a lot of money and so on. Depending on this, the approach differs! So if our client knows analysis and reporting, in which status or living environment a person is, emails can be adapted more and more precisely.

The more precisely the approach, the content and also the products offered match a person and their wishes, the higher the chance of closing a sale.

Personalized emails:

Sales: Sell more with cross-sell and up-sell

You also collect information through deals, such as sales.

Users were willing to spend money on a specific coaching topic. No matter whether it was an entry-level product, for example in the form of a PDF or a webinar. A coaching for advanced users, for example in a longer online coaching or even the high-price ticket at live events. The question: What else could interest your buyer? The segmentation and personalization process continues.

Because after the sale, the cross-sell and up-sell begins.

  • Sales information flows into personalization
  • Cross-sell (similar) begins
  • Up-sell (high price) begins

Cross-sell – Cross-selling is the selling of related or complementary products or services based on the products the customer has already purchased (or in which he or she is interested).

Up-sell – Up-selling is the additional offering of higher value products or higher value services.

Extra tip: Sales abort in the shopping cart, what to do?

Reactivation is the magic word when it comes to sales dropouts.

Customers often decide to buy a product, but then abandon it shortly before payment. If they can store, analyze and evaluate such information, it’s worth its weight in gold! After all, a user was already close to buying a product.

We focus on such sales cancellations in particular, since we also serve customers as an e-commerce agency. Let’s say the shopping cart abandonment rate is 12% and can be reduced by 7% by reactivating customers because the email address has already been deposited. This would have a significant effect on direct sales and also on further cross-selling and up-selling products.

Conclusion: Email Funnel for Coaching

We hope that we could bring you closer to the strategies of our agency!

Thus, we attract new customers by actively placingads (Social Ads, Google Ads, Native Ads but also organic SEO), thereby winning Leeds for your funnel and converting them into customers through automated and increasingly personalized emails. Through additional up-sells and cross-sells, the sales, in addition to the actual coaching product, are further increased.

That’s why so many of the great coaches rely on email funnels for lead generation, customer generation, and additional product sales.

Last but not least, we’d like to share three ways you can target key, overarching customer groups through automated emails.

Prospects, new customers and inactive customers

You have already learned a lot about email funnel marketing. Here we would like to show you once again three automated paths, from leads to new customers who have purchased the first product and just met inactive customers who have not yet purchased a second product or have abandoned in the shopping cart. Hot Leads!

  1. Interested parties (new leads)
  2. New customers (just purchased)
  3. Inactive customers (win back)

Automated emails for customer groups, 3 strategies presented:

Cases and references: Agency Services

Do you like the potential of email marketing for coaching, e-learning and coaching events? Then we look forward to receiving your e-mail or your call.

Tip. We design your coaching product

You want a product that really sells?

Whether it’s personality, healing, design thinking, leadership 2.0 for executives or any other area, we work with our clients to develop coaching products that sell! Especially when it comes to the product line, meaning not only the actual core product, but also the entire up-sells around a product, planning is extremely important. Often a coaching product is thought of, but not the entire world around it, especially with higher priced products that can be sold afterwards.

With our agency you have the right sparring partner for your ideas.

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Here you can find our contact persons and email marketing experts.

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