Tag Archive for: Experts
Global: Social Media Agency worldwide for TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook & Co.
in Agency/by S_kinskiSocial Media One – Read our agency content and tips now in your language! For all of Europe, from Spain to France, Germany to Sweden. In the USA and as well as in Asia, now in China and Japan. Because for our customers, we are already globally active. Read more about us, our work, projects […]
Social Media 2023, Fake Reviews & Hello! Marketing – Marketing Podcast
in E-Commerce, Help, Podcast, Social Media, Trend/by Stephan CzajaPodcast Episode #1 – Social Media 2023, Fake Reviews & Hello! with our hosts Lasse & Lukinski. In this first episode we answer two questions. One: Who are we? Secondly: Where is the digital media / marketing world heading? Two marketing super nerds, one studio! One went to college, the other likes to watch breakfast […]
Social Media Agency for Banking and Finance: Strategy, Marketing and Reach
in Facebook, Instagram, Marketing, Social Media/by LauraSeriousness and social media marketing – especially for banks, serious social media marketing but also content management and community management is decisive for brand awareness. Credible products, honest statements and trustworthy references are what counts when a bank wants to use social media marketing. The agreement between the internal marketing and the social media agency […]
Microblogging – Topics, Networks and Definition
in Help, Social Media, Twitter, Wiki/by LauraMicroblogging refers to blogs within social networks. While classic blogs usually contain very long texts, but also media such as photos and videos, contributions on social networks are extremely short. On Twitter, for example, there are only a few hundred characters. In the same way, you are also limited to Instagram and Facebook in such […]
Social Media Campaigns Best Practice Examples
in Berlin, Best Practice, Marketing/by LauraSocial Media Campaign – There are many best practice examples. From international brands to Facebook, Instagram & Co. advertising to Product Placement and Influencer Marketing. If you want to see the best case examples here, read our article about Influencer Campaigns Best Practice Examples. Social Media Campaigns Best Practice Examples At the end of the […]
Influenza Agency – The Secret of Blogger Marketing
in Influencer/by Stephan CzajaYou wouldn’t believe how many people search for Inlfuenza Agency every week: 942! You are one of them. Thanks to search engine optimization, you are now aware of our social media marketing and influencer agency. Also, you now know that you don’t spell “Influencer” with “…za”, that’s the flu. Learned a lot! Learn now how […]
4.9 / 5.0
average of the last 12 months. Survey after consultation – online, by telephone or on site.