Tag Archive for: Advertising

Influencer vs Musicians: New advertising campaigns in the fashion world

Influencer vs Musicians – After our last TV interview on the subject of “Unicorns in Social Media Marketing”, the current interview of the TextilWirtschaft magazine saw a new trend, or a tried and true one that is slowly regaining attention: musicians! After the influencer

Social Media Stars: Werbung und Psychologie hinter dem Glamour

Kim Kardashian now knows almost everyone who is somehow damaged with media. In my first book, three years ago, you had 800,000 followers on Instagram. Forbes Magazine has just titled “The New Mobile Mogules”. Today, Kim has 100,000,000 followers. These are 2.75 million new followers a month

Target groups can be targeted – cities, ages, interestest

On almost all social media channels, advertising campaigns are now so precisely controllable that users can be targeted as never before. Facebook, the largest social network in the world, it is well over a billion active users, the campaigning has been the most refined

Social Networks: Theory and Breakthrough in the Communication Model

Do you know the transmitter-receiver model? It shows in which direction communication takes place. A 1: n relationship would be, for example, a radio station in the 30s. The radiosender plays music and speech and spectators receive the broadcasts at home, at the receiver

Facebook Marketing – Do it yourself! Our recommendation: The AdBaker online course

Facebook Marketing Online Kurs oder teure Beratung? Heute geben wir Ihnen unsere Empfehlung für Firmen und Unternehmen, die ihr eigenes Social Media Marketing auf Facebook erfolgreich betreiben wollen!

Munich: Keynote Speaker for Social Media Marketing in Bavaria

Social Media Munich – As digital natives, we always spend our time on the social web. We speak from concrete project experience, not from theoretical knowledge from social media books, for example by lecturers. Using practical case studies, we show you the new and most promising trends and ideas for your own social media marketing. […]

Speaker Stuttgart: Keynotes for successful social media marketing

Information reaches people faster than ever before, whether knowledge, news or recommendations from friends. Communication, the global dissemination of news, emotions, but also knowledge, is reaching people faster than ever before in the entire history of media. The digital transformation in companies and industries is in full swing, and not just since yesterday. No one […]

Social Media Marketing Report Münster

Social Media Marketing designs for you a unique digital presence, highly targeted targeting of user groups and rapid increase in reach. The agency for Instagram and Facebook for regional, national and international marketing campaigns. For all companies, innovative social media marketing is therefore an indispensable tool for effective online marketing without much wasted coverage. Social […]

Socia Media Marketing Report Darmstadt

Schlaue Social Media Kampagnen promoten neue Produkte oder Dienstleistungen wesentlich effektiver und durch präzises Zielgruppentargeting mit wesentlich weniger Streuverlust als in klassischen Medien. Soziale Netzwerke sind ein Geflecht aus dynamischen Gruppen von Menschen, verschiedenen Plattformen und technischen Funktionen die unsere Kommunikation mit Freunden allgegenwärtig und multimedial macht.

Social Media Marketing Report Heidelberg

Soziale Netzwerke sind ein Geflecht aus dynamischen Gruppen von Menschen, verschiedenen Plattformen und technischen Funktionen die unsere Kommunikation mit Freunden allgegenwärtig und multimedial macht. Unsere Manager promoten Produkte durch geschicktes Social Media Management. Wir haben Werbung für Marken und Unternehmen von München bis hin zu Düsseldorf geplant und umgesetzt.