Influencer Pricing: How much is my Instagram account worth?

Influencer Pricing – The bigger your blog gets, the more requests you get from agencies but also companies and different brands. Whether it’s about fashion and travel or fitness products, the value of a single post is for many, especially at the beginning of the career, not so easy to calculate yourself. Especially as each […]

Influencer Campaigns Best Practice Examples

Influencer marketing and campaigns are, of course, not new in Social Media Marketing! There are many best practice examples from the industry that show how successful you can build up your reach and win new customers. Of course there are also the traditional campaigns in social networks.

Influencer – Social Media Marketing Success for Businesses

Influencers are more important than ever in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Influences are nothing new in themselves. There have been many public figures who have played a special role as opinion leaders. Athletes, actors, models or even a lot of bloggers. A guarantee

Sales and sales promotion through Social Media Marketing + Best Practice figures

Sales promotion through social media marketing – Sometimes it can be so simple. Digital transformation is a buzzword for many. This is really only about bringing the sales prospect from the mailbox into a new, digital form. How about social media marketing? Whether Facebook

Facebook Marketing 2017 – Success through fanpage, design and ads

Facebook is now the giant, the old man and yet the innovator. Thus, innovations in the functions, the possibilities, in the design and of course social media innovations like Facebook Live come constantly. If you are not yet using Facebook extensively, take a look at the new, simple design

Influencer Marketing – 4 practical tips for your company

Today, our social media manager has given a new interview for the textile industry – Influencers are on everyone’s mind. The potential of Influencer Marketing for companies and companies alike. The interview focused on four questions on Influencer

Blogger, Influencer, Trendsetter – How to Become a Successful Influencer?

Influencers – Many today have the great dream of being able to live successfully from blogging. That means living by that one is reported in daily of his own life and so sold over social media so skillfully that one becomes the opinion leader even by the increasing number of followers becomes. If it has […]

Self-Branding Instead of Expensive Advertising – Generate Yourself Success Through Video Marketing

After a few days ago we talked about the agreement between Youtube and the GEMA, we will now take a look at the new possibilities that arise for you as a company in the largest video portal of the world. For now, there are millions more views on music videos. The perfect moment for ads? […]

Influencer Marketing – Virality, experience and recommendations from the Ambassador

Influencer Marketing – Wow! Wirklich? Das Wort Influencer ist keine moderne Erfindung des Marketings, sondern ein seit Jahrtausenden funktionierendes Geschäftsmodell, auch bekannt als “Empfehlungsmarketing”. Eine Empfehlung bedeutet, dass Menschen

Startups & Influencer marketing, does it work?

A new interview about Influencer Marketing. At the beginning of 2017 this magic word is on everyone’s lips. The interview was about the big question: Startups & Influencer, does it work? More specifically, to Influencer Marketing and action recommendations