Facebook Ads Agency Tips! How do you crack the 1 cent CPC mark?
Why do companies make Facebook advertising? Advertising on Facebook helps initially to generate reach. Who is in the reach of reach, this own products can play, of course also services or software tools. Any entrepreneur or company that is at its beginning usually has the same basic problem, for your own application is too little range available! In the article, I am clearly referring to the topic of Facebook Advertising from an agency perspective. If you want to learn how to get extremely cheap click rates, you will find here in the 1 cent per click formula answers.
- How to find the most lucrative target audience for your advertising
- How to perfect your retargeting with the Facebook pixel
- Which images and texts work best with Facebook ads
- How to reach click ratios of 20% and more
- How to use Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences perfectly
- As you get maximum range with only 0.01 euro per click
Facebook offers here a practical solution, the advertising is very purposeful streubar, one can appeal to certain target groups, at a certain age, from a certain region or with a determine in the interest. People will see the advertising advertisements and then interact with them: The ever-popular and popular interaction. The interaction rate is a very important tool for the success of campaigns in social networks.
The interaction rate as a success indicator for advertisements on Facebook
One of the greatest success indicators for digital advertising campaigns is the interaction rate of the respective advertisement. The interaction rate is concerned not only with the mere range, but also with the user participation. The higher the interaction, that is, the more likes and comments were made, or the more frequently the own posting was shared, the higher this value. Most social networks have an interaction rate of between 2% and 10%. According to this, the value of a blogger or influencer, for example, is also measured. Likewise, one calculates the best single campaign here. But first we look at Facebook advertisements, what do they look like at all?
If you initiate an advertising campaign on Facebook, you first have to login to the Facebook Business Manager to register your advertising account. There you can convert your profile to an advertiser and you can then create advertising ads for your own fanpages and projects, which are debited from your account. The payment takes place here via credit card or PayPal. If you now have an existing advertising account, you can start with the first advertisement. In advance, however, I recommend the integration of a targeting pixel!
Retargeting pixels at Facebook: Re-launch advertising
What is a retargeting pixel actually? The so-called Facebook pixel is actually only a single, tiny graphic with some code. This pixel is transparent and as the name implies, just only one to one pixel high or wide. This is not to be seen on the website. If you add this pixel to your own site or to your own Onlineshop, all users are registered by Facebook by the small script, which is around the image file. If these users now return to Facebook, they can be targeted again in the form of advertisements. This principle helps companies and marketing departments above all in order to reach the already involved people very precisely.
Do you remember the interaction rate? The interaction rate is, of course, particularly high, since users are already familiar with your product or brand. This significantly increases the chances of a sale and a conclusion.
But now we come back to the Facebook Business Manager by creating your first advertisements on Facebook.
Advertising on Facebook, it’s that easy!
1. Create Campaign: Only one name
In the advertising ad manager, you first create a single campaign. This campaign includes different ad groups, which in turn contain individual ads. Thus, the advertisements have a two-stage nesting. The big advantage is that you can always apply the global settings of the campaign or the individual ad group to all of the individual ads. For example, if you have fifty individual ad groups, the entire budget should be increased by 10 € per day. With just a few clicks, you can change the setting of all single displays by nesting. A crucial advantage in speed, especially when the campaigns are larger and do not just contain “a few” ads, but hundreds.
So let us remember, first a single campaign must be created. Let’s go to the cucumbers. Main Ad groups in Facebook Ad Manager.
2. Ad groups: Global management of settings
The individual ad groups in Facebook’s Ad Manager, determine the individual audience. Here, you globally say that your entire ad group should have a particular interest. All advertisements will focus on this interest. However, as mentioned above, you can also manage and adjust the daily budgets of the campaign globally. Once the single ad group is created, you can duplicate it with just a few clicks and then change the basic values of the groups individually. For example It is possible to create an ad group that is not only oriented on the interests of the target group, but also on the place of residence, sex and age. If we duplicate this ad group, we can swap one of the variables quickly and say that the ad is not to be played on women, but on men. All other variables, as well as the age and the place of residence, also the interests remain the same. So you can quickly build a portfolio, for example, The fans of a certain competitor and only shares them in individual, more comprehensive groups, eg. Men between 20 and 30, Men between 30 and 40, and so on. Why do you share the different ads in this way?
CPC is King! (CPT) and interaction
The advantage of advertising on Facebook is the targeted amount of people to whom marketing messages are spread. If we think of a classic advertising poster, thousands of people pass by there every day. However, they are from different social classes, have different interests, do not necessarily live at the place where the poster was suspended, are male or female, old or young. One can never determine exactly how effective a single advertising poster has or will have on a single person. Effects of traditional advertising can only be recorded in large quantities.
With Facebook ads it is completely different! Here we can exactly determine who should see our ads, that increases the effectiveness of advertising ads tremendously. We can also determine whether ads are displayed on only mobile devices or on the desktop. This increases not only the effectiveness but also the range in relation to the given budget. A social media manager measures the success at the CPC. CPC means nothing more than costs per click. The lower the cost of purchasing a click, the more successful they will be converted, we go from a common group of things.
CPT means thousands of contact price. He answers the question of how much money has to be invested so that a thousand people can see the ad (impressions). If we are only going to a very simple campaign, the social media marketing is only 20% compared to a classic CPM In a print magazine or in a daily newspaper. This means that the same budget can be used to get the fivefold efficiency! This is exactly what people and companies are passionate about in social media marketing.
3. Individual ads in the Facebook Werbemanager: A / B test
First, a superior campaign is created and named, for example “50% Sale”, then the ad groups with their respective target groups. You see, so far we have been concerned about the structure and structure of the advertising campaign. Now it’s about optics and design. Once the ad group has been created, you can create various individual ads. These individual displays then include, for example, Various pictures or even videos or even a whole photo slideshow. Each individual graphic gets a single ad. As a result, the results obtained can be separated precisely from one another later. This can of course also vary the lyrics, do you use emoticons or maybe not? All these possible, sales-influencing variables are now being played through in the individual ads. This means that you have 10 or 15 different individual ads in the individual ad group.
If you duplicate the ad groups, hundreds of individual ads are created, which must also be managed and monitored afterwards. The subsequent monitoring and analysis or analysis of the individual campaigns on Facebook, of course, is the decisive factor. This is why it is so important to have the individual ad groups run against each other, as well as the individual displays, graphics and texts.
The gritty, successful campaigns by analyzing the ads
Through a split test, or an A / B test, social media agencies look at how successful the respective individual ads are. In short: Which display converts best? The measurement is taken by our CPC, as a reminder: cost per click. For example, In the German market, one has, of course, high competition densities and many competitors who compete for the users in the social networks, especially Facebook. This can also happen that although a few thousand euros budget is available, in the first days only a few euro spent or played by Facebook. The low output of the promotion is due to the fact that the competition is high and many companies book advertising space on social networks (but also search engines). When new ad groups are introduced or new campaigns, they must always compete against existing, already booked ones. No matter how, in the end it is about buying clicks as cheap as possible. If your own online shop has only twenty unique visitors every day, but if you generate one hundred new visitors through advertisements on the Internet, whether Facebook or Google, the sales will immediately multiply. How does a successful Facebook ad look nowadays?
Successful campaigns of Facebook marketing agencies
In advertising, there has always been a golden rule: advertising must create attention. This is precisely the principle that agencies are using in the social networks when campaigns are conceived. Graphics or videos that are published must produce attention. In specific to the target group that might be interested in the product or service. This attention is created by using very simple means, as well as circles or arrows as an overlay, which point directly to an offer. The same principle works in graphics but also in video content, which must have a surprising moment within the first three seconds in order to pick up the users.
Did you know that most users watch videos on Facebook just two or three seconds? The same principle also applies to YouTube, here the videos are usually viewed only a few seconds. That is why you have to make sure that the story is designed in such a way that the user experiences a surprising moment in the first few seconds. This activates it for the further messages and thus a video can increase in the effectiveness, extend the range and naturally also provide for viral effects, if the campaign is then made smart.
Is advertising on Facebook usefull?
As we have seen before in the CPT prices, by calculating how many costs arise so that 1000 people see our ad, social media advertisements are much more effective than traditional advertising. Only 20% of the costs have to be spent to reach as many people as possible. For this purpose, the scatter loss is significantly lower since the target groups can be precisely determined and are not widely spread as in the case of an advertisement in print magazines or newspapers. These key advantages make Facebook and other networks such as YouTube or Instagram currently so successful in marketing campaigns of companies and companies.
How much does Facebook advertising cost?
Advertising ads on Facebook are relatively expensive when we look at how an ad is shown. However, this only applies to young companies. For every medium-sized company, as well as medium-sized companies and, of course, stock corporations, Facebook Advertising is an absolutely effective means of reaching low-cost target groups. Likewise, chipping tests are very easy to carry out here and do not require a long-term concept or production or actions like the hanging of posters.
If you want to post a Facebook ad, of course, will first of all be confronted with clicks of a few euros. If you sell a product whose margin is only a few euros, it will quickly become inefficient. This is why it is important to pay attention to the CPC and to deactivate ads that do not promise success and whose clicks are much higher than those that promise a profit on sales.
CPC formula: cost per click
CPC = clicks / costs
50 times our ad is seen, resulting in a click, which costs us an example 1 euro. This Euro is also our CPC and the acquisition cost for a click. Dealers selling on Amazon, you can measure the success, but also many others. The costs are multiplied quickly if there are daily budgets of one hundred euros on each ad group. To this end, we have about five ad groups, already five hundred euros a day. It adds up. For this reason, we recommend focusing on individual groups and few split tests. This is different for big companies. Here, not only are sexes or interests split, also different countries and languages. Nevertheless, all speak one language: CPC.
Whether it is ten or ten thousand euro daily budget, your goal must be to press the CPC. From 50 cents to 20 cents, 10 cents and in the end only a single cent. If we reduce the CPC from 50 to 1 cent, the display will be 50 times more effective with the same budget, which is 5000%. This is the great art in Facebook Advertising!
If you buy clicks that cost only one cent, then maybe only 20 visitors for a single sale in the onlineshop needs, each single sale costs only 20 cents and thus the profit margin was increased extremely. If we were still at 1 euro per click, the acquisition of this buyer would have cost 20 euros. If we are now running an advertising campaign for a large customer, the city will quickly cost € 1,000. The margin is too big depending on how well a Facebook advertising is optimized.