Instagram: Basics, Help & Tips for the Social Network

Do you know Instagram? Instagram is a social network characterized by two peculiarities. On the one hand, Instagram is “Mobile First”, ie. Instagram is designed for smartphones. On the other hand, Instagram relies on image material, ie. Purely visual stimulation.
Also for our Instagram agency always a special challenge in social media management. Particularly young people nowadays use social networks such as Instagram, which differ from the networks of the older (us). Here applications and platforms are required which no longer offer a fully public access for everyone (like Whatsapp or Snapshat), or no longer present a full media selection (like Instagram or Youtube).

Instagram – emotional content marketing is the key

Thus, networks such as Instagram are gaining in importance. At the same time, the others do not lose, the media mix differs only – depending on interests (detailed communication like on Facebook or rapid inspiration on Instagram). For example, fanpage management and social media management are the main focus. Profits can only be achieved with a sophisticated content strategy (or image strategy). Here you can find out all about the basics: Help & Tips for the social network

Social Media Marketing Help for beginners

Stephan M. Czaja (Lukinski, advertising agency) explains in his blog in more than ten individual steps how to apply social media for your marketing in the company. As a model agent and media manager he knows the game between media, reach and attention. The articles are primarily aimed at social media beginners and beginners. From the first basics of networks, to new trends such as Influencer Marketing. With every step you understand social media marketing as a beginner better. The following articles can be found here: Social Media Marketing Manager.

  1. What are Social Networks? The Power of Youtube, Snapchat, Facebook & Co
  2. Trends & Trendsetter – Influencer in the Media World
  3. Social Media Concept: How it’s done – brand, reach, monitoring
  4. Web 2.0 & Social Media: reach for companies (example ASOS & ZARA)
  5. Social Media Manager – Management and Online Marketing
  6. Social Media Manager – Measurement, Goals, Target Group and Range
  7. Five Tips to Increase Range – Creativity, Influencer, Content
  8. Instagram: Advertising – Online Marketing or Product Placement
  9. Youtube: 3 steps for better rankings in the search engine
  10. Facebook: Target group targeting – place of residence, age, prospects
  11. Facebook: echs Tips for the Facebook Fanpage
  12. Influencer instead of expensive Facebook ads
  13. Influencer: Fashion, Trends & Trendsetters