Tag Archive for: Manager

Elon Musk to buy Twitter? Impact & Shares – Online Marketing News

This week in social news: Online Marketing DE reports Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter, will he make it? And what impact will this acquisition have? In addition, decision-maker types, important for all who deal with people, whether purchasing, sales or special marketing and performance marketing. More about that in PR Blogger this week. Also […]

Become a social media marketing manager: What do you need to be able to do? Profession & Tasks

Social media management has become a really complex field. The development of social networks has brought with it many innovations. Strategies, communication behaviors, entire apps and platforms. Becoming a social media marketing manager or being a manger requires a lot of skills and abilities from you. Basically, you must have passion for social media and […]

Content Marketing – Creative texts with strategy simply explained

Content Marketing deals with the targeted distribution of information through the optimal preparation of content. The better content is packaged, whether in a short keyword form or in a complex brochure, as well as in a website, the better it will convert. With consumers and interested parties as well as with search engines. The discipline […]

Instagram Strategies and Social Media Managers Career

All social media news for the current week. Among other things, 52 Instagram strategies packed in an infographic, so you can plan your next Instagram concept with best practice examples. In addition, Social Media International highlights the careers network LinkedIn, what does it actually do, how does it work and for whom is the social […]

Influencer: Successful on the Net / ZDF TV contribution on Mona Lisa

Today at 6 pm we were once again on TV. This time the ZDF wanted to accompany our newcomer Influencer Soraya Wanya at the Store Opening in the article “Influencer: Success in the Web”! Then it went directly to the customer for a fitting. Soraya did a great job. Our marketing manager also speaks of […]

6 Social Media Manager tips for the Facebook fan page – Beginner

If you choose a Facebook or Instagram account as a public figure, you are closer to your fans – definitely. Especially young people can be reached in social networks. But also agencies, managers and representatives of the press are in social networks. The big advantage: They kill two birds with one stone. They start with […]

Social Media Manager

Social media managers take over the classic advertising and marketing tasks in and for companies and projects. Social media platforms have changed significantly in recent years. The small social space for pastime has become the omnipresent communication platform. Everyone, especially in developed countries