Social Media Campaigns Best Practice Examples

Social Media Campaign – There are many best practice examples. From international brands to Facebook, Instagram & Co. advertising to Product Placement and Influencer Marketing. If you want to see the best case examples here, read our article about Influencer Campaigns Best Practice Examples. Social Media Campaigns Best Practice Examples At the end of the […]

Influencer vs Musicians: New advertising campaigns in the fashion world

Influencer vs Musicians – After our last TV interview on the subject of “Unicorns in Social Media Marketing”, the current interview of the TextilWirtschaft magazine saw a new trend, or a tried and true one that is slowly regaining attention: musicians! After the influencer

Media usage in social networks: the most important marketing studies for 2017

The use of media in social networks is an interesting topic for customers in the consultation. Which networks are actively used? What posting periods are important? What is the potential of online trading at all? In order to answer these questions in advance, we explain step by step what social media marketing is all about

Social Media Marketing: Graphics / Gifs for Facebook Ads and Instagram DIY

Many post on their Instagram Channel the same photos, which are already in e-commerce to be seen. Value is so important when it comes to the fast consumption of content. For the interaction, you only have a few minutes as a manager, the user scrolls to the next image. Instagram

Youtube & Gema agree – Music video streaming in Germany

YouTube and the GEMA agree – who would have thought? After years of legal disputes about the right to use music and the royalties of artists and authors, today there was finally an agreement between the largest video streaming portal YouTube (company of Google) and the GEMA in respect

Snapchat: Always live – The all-rounder in everyday life

Snapchat it an application for the mobile phone, which is particularly used by young people. It serves mainly to send pictures among friends back and forth. The sent photo is visible to the other about 10 seconds. Many stars and starlets use Snapchat for their

Social Media Stars: Werbung und Psychologie hinter dem Glamour

Kim Kardashian now knows almost everyone who is somehow damaged with media. In my first book, three years ago, you had 800,000 followers on Instagram. Forbes Magazine has just titled “The New Mobile Mogules”. Today, Kim has 100,000,000 followers. These are 2.75 million new followers a month

Social Networks: Theory and Breakthrough in the Communication Model

Do you know the transmitter-receiver model? It shows in which direction communication takes place. A 1: n relationship would be, for example, a radio station in the 30s. The radiosender plays music and speech and spectators receive the broadcasts at home, at the receiver

Facebook Marketing – Do it yourself! Our recommendation: The AdBaker online course

Facebook Marketing Online Kurs oder teure Beratung? Heute geben wir Ihnen unsere Empfehlung für Firmen und Unternehmen, die ihr eigenes Social Media Marketing auf Facebook erfolgreich betreiben wollen!

Berlin: Keynote Speaker for Social Media Marketing & Management

Social Media Agentur Berlin – In our presentations we present best practices from around the world and the new trends in marketing. Digitalization and digital transformation are always and everywhere present. In everyday life, we are digital natives twenty-four hours a day. No theoretical knowledge, we offer practical experience and know-how from many media projects. […]