Live Stories – Video Marketing on Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram

Life stories are short postings, usually small photos or videos, with a maximum length of 15 seconds. Some live stories take a little longer, of course, but most are very short, 5 seconds. Life stories are used to document everyday life. While postings in the timeline are very obvious and stored for a long time, stories are only available for 24 hours. Also, they are usually only seen by those who follow you. This means that life stories are much less in the public eye of social networks. In contrast to postings, which are usually made only once a day or only every two to three days, 10, 15 stories are made every day. From breakfast to the sports program comma to the job and of course to say good night. They’re life stories.

Tip! Stories Benefits for advertisements

Many people who work with influencers usually rely on booking postings. That means photos or videos will be published in the timeline. Stories are cheaper and you have the advantage that they leave a direct link. While Instagram Stories cannot be linked directly, i.e. visitors cannot be tracked, Instagram Stories can be placed on the left side of the page, which then refer to your own online shop or suggest another source of information. This, of course, makes it much easier to evaluate campaigns.

Since stories have been introduced, they have become more and more popular. Today, stories are used by many every day. Stories are the daily little tabloid, so to speak. What’s he doing, what’s she doing? What’s the latest trend? And it’s less about accurate information than about entertainment. Accordingly, the aspect of entertainment should also be considered by you in social media marketing. As a source of information, Instagram has a very different structure than classical media.