Influencer Marketing Course: Continuing Education & Training for Social Media Managers
“Influencer marketing is on the rise!” – that’s what the headline above our last interview said. Today we give you 2 hours of know how for free! With Social Analytics, we make influencer marketing on Instagram possible for all agencies, companies, brands and online shops from Berlin to Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. So that really everyone can learn how it works, we now have our two-hour free video tutorial! Over two hours we look at all the relevant topics: Definition, development of social networks, categorization, benefits, risks and finally the entire campaign planning: briefing for the influencer, contacting, contract, execution and monitoring including all essential software tools like Hootsuite. We have divided the video series into 6 parts, each about twenty minutes full of know how for your marketing. Learn more social media manager know how online:
- Facebook Marketing Online Course
- Facebook Ads for only 1 cent per click
- Influencer Marketing Online Course
- Social Media Manager Online Course
Influencer Marketing Online Course: Overview of Topics
- Definition, Development, Youtube, Facebook & Instagram
- Blogger Relations? Advantages and disadvantages of the method
- Social media software tools for post scheduling and followers
- KPIs (key performance indicators), goals and planning of the social media campaign
- Quality and quantity of bloggers and interaction
- Briefing, forecasts, contact establishment and monitoring
- Certificate Test Influencer Marketing Instagram
Below the videos you can find the whole guide again as an article with more tips and info. Social Analytics cooperates with well-known universities, our guide is also an excellent template for students and universities. Excerpts must be marked © Stephan M. Czaja, 2018
Online Course #1: Influencer Marketing Basics
First, an overview of the various topics and focuses of the two-hour tutorial.
Introduction to Influencer Marketing: Definition, Development and Risk Assessment
- Definition
- Development of social networks / social value
- Social Network Ranking, Values of the Networks
- Classification and categories
- Advantages Influencer Marketing
- Risks
Software Support Basics: Smart Tools for Agencies
- Hootsuite / Screencast
- Social Analytics / Screencast
- Instazood / Screencast
Create an Influencer Concept: Here’s how
- Definition of objectives
- Possible applications / SA Hashtag Analyser
- Qualitative and quantitative attributes of the influencer
- Influencer Search / SA Research / SA Manager
- Briefing for the Influencer
- Contact
- Contract
- Settlement
- Offers for agencies / SA campaign planners
- Monitoring / SA Monitoring
- Conclusion
Definition of Influencer Marketing: Influence
First, the free video tutorial is about defining influencer marketing. A definition of influencer marketing is in very short form, the influence of people through multipliers. Influencers can be many people, not just bloggers who are currently on everyone’s lips. Influencers are also journalists, politicians, athletes, musicians, actors and many other people. But what is important is that they influence other people through their targeted publication. Those aged 14 to 19 have a particular affinity for influencers. Last year, over 50% bought a product based on a blogger’s recommendation. This shows the extreme impact with young target groups. However, 33% of the 20 to 29 year olds have also decided to buy a product, only because of the recommendation of a blogger. Likewise, it is still 25% among 30 to 39 year olds. However, influencer marketing is not only very efficient with private individuals, 95% of editors also start their search on the Internet and in social media. If you have a presence on social networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, you will not only be noticed by private individuals, but also by the media. This further increases the reach. Read more about our Instagram agency.
Influencer marketing
- Influence
- Especially teenagers
- Recommendation, evaluation Opinion
- High credibility
- 92% trust recommendations from people
(even if they don’t know them)
also PR: - 95% of editors use search engines for research
Understanding the evolution of social networks in principle is an important tool to be successful influencer marketing of the modern media mix. In the video tutorial I talk about the first pioneers: forums, eBay and MySpace. All the way to modern media and the social influence that emanates from social networks and the extremely fast dissemination of information.
- Forums and pioneers like Ebay
- First communities (Myspace) and data transfers (Napster)
- The Web 2.0: Constant networking
Social networks have revolutionized the entire world - Bloggers and opinion leaders
- Social commerce: recommendation buying
Social networks in comparison: Big 3
The big three social networks (almost) all have one billion users. Facebook and YouTube have long had more than one billion active users, Instagram will make it this year. On Facebook, 19 million people are active visitors every day, from Germany alone. This means that one third of Germans are on Facebook every day. YouTube is the number one source of information for entertainment but also for helpful and educational videos. Instagram is establishing itself as the biggest social network in the world. We take a look at the big three, their user numbers and the opportunities that open up for influencer marketing but also general online marketing for companies and agencies.
Facebook: Over 1.5 billion users
- 31 million users
19 million active now day - Overlay of news, groups, pages
- Viral groups as an alternative
- Advertising as a must
Even advertising played out slowly, overlay
Youtube: Number one for videos and entertainment
- 4 – 8 million frequently / regularly depending on survey
- Long-term placement / call-offs
- High involvement
- SEO aspect
Instagram: Trendsetter of the networks
- 15 million users active every month
- People under 15 years old over 30 min daily
- Daily entertainment
- Cheap compare Youtube / FB Ads
Classification and categorization of bloggers
Micro, nano and the “normal” influencers: Can you really classify them? We take a critical look at the classification and categorization of influencers. Using a simple example, I show how differently you can classify reach. I also take a clear classification and talk about what real (!) reach influencers have on the social network Instagram. So that companies that start with influencer marketing have an honest and comprehensive overview.
- Relevance
- 5-10k are micro
- 10-100k
- 100k+ can become idols
- 1M+ Stars
Most popular are:
- Top Germany (Soccer, Youtuber, Lisa and Lena)
- Normal influencers (fashion, lifestyle, sports)
Categories that make up 99% of the content on Instagram
- Fashion, Biggest Topic
- Music
- Food
- Travel
- Fitness
- Beauty
- Accessories
- Pet
Advantages Influencer Marketing
The advantages of influencer marketing are obvious and have already been clearly highlighted in the last sections. Influencer marketing not only has a significantly lower CPM, i.e. thousand-contact price, which is used as a general comparison factor for campaigns in the media industry. Influencer marketing enables honest referral marketing on a whole new level. The first big companies and international firms are testing the first campaigns, influencer marketing is still new for many! Yet there is already a lot of expertise and also many best practice examples that show how successful influencer marketing can be as a method and strategy for marketing.
Advantages of the method of marketing through bloggers
- Desired target group
No Adblock
No control
Exact target group (data influencer) - Influencer marketing is credible<
Bridging the distance to the consumer - High ranges<
Pamela Reif 3.3m
Vogue 200K, 10%
Paola Maria 5.4 m - Promising success
In 2017, 50% of 14-19 year olds bought a product through an influencer recommendation
Purchase decision by age group
- 50% – 14-19 years
- 33% – 20-29 years
- 24% – 30-39 years
- 10% – 40-49 years
- 7% – 50-59 years or 3% 60 years +
Risks of the strategy
- Offensive advertising does not work
Solution: Product placement or storytelling - Dizziness with range
Solution: Engagement / interaction as hard currency
Software support: Automatic is much better
Software support and social media tools are essential for online marketers. They help manage day-to-day tasks, especially the ones that take up a lot of time and can be organized through smart planning ahead. Whether it’s the topic of content, influencer search, or even the bots so many have mentioned. On the topic of Instgram bots, we have another fascinating article here: Fake! Instagram Bots: How It Works. We take a look at three important social media tools that help agencies and companies expand their own reach. In particular, we’re talking about organic growth, because organic growth is valuable. Those who generate true brand fans will also benefit in the future. Let’s now take a look at the individual tools.
Hootsuite / Content planning for all networks
Hootsuite helps in scheduling content in advance whether it’s photos or videos, with this software you can easily put content on different days in the future. In the video tutorial I show how to publish posts automatically. This saves you an extreme amount of time and you can do all your social media planning for a week, for 14 days for a month or even for a quarter in a single day or even in a few minutes.
Of course, in the video tutorial, you’ll also see how to set up Hootsuite and how to set up different streams to monitor your social media channels from Facebook to Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.
- Pre-scheduling content for different networks
- Streams facilitate access to posts, scheduled posts, fans, interactions, etc.
- Create social networks in seconds
Social Analytics / Influencer Marketing Manager
Social Analytics is the first software tour to combine all the requirements that a social media manager has for influencer management. From the search, so that you discover the perfect influencer for customers or for your own brand, to management in different groups and constantly updated data. Additionally, the campaign planner helps to create different offers and also AB tests. With the monitoring, you can create clear evaluations at the end and also check the success of the campaigns.
- Influencer Research (search by country, city, etc.) and the Influencer Report (profile and analysis)
- Influencer List for management, grouping and always up-to-date data
- Campaign manager for fast processing of requests and offers (with forecasts)
- Posting monitoring for success analysis and evaluation of campaigns and influencers
- Hashtag Analyser examines millions of posts and shows you the most successful influencers and posts for a hashtag
- Toplist Creator for Trend Content and Search Engine Optimization as an extra for our customers!
The topic of social media bots is very interesting for many and we get many inquiries about this topic. That’s why I wanted to introduce you to one of these social bots for Instagram. With Instazood you can automatically post likes and comments or follow people (not recommended). We briefly show how to use such a bot, how to set it and what are the advantages and disadvantages of social media bots.
- Everyone talks about bots: what are bots?
- How does a social bot work?
The conception of the influencer concept for our upcoming campaign will now really be the biggest chunk! Here it’s all about the big questions and the very small ones. Starting with the definition of the target group to the customer needs to the various goals and KPIs that we ultimately need to measure the success of our campaign. We need to ask ourselves questions about the quality of the influencer but also about the quantitative benefits. Likewise, we need to think about what services we expect from the influencer and what services the influencer can expect from us. In the video we go through each step slowly and show how to set up your own influencer marketing campaign.
Definition of the goals for the marketing concept
Strategy Overview: Definition, needs, goals and issues
- Definition of the target group / customer needs
- Identification of topics, keywords and channels
- Identification of the influencers
- Targets and KPIs
- Influencer analysis
Campaign process and important questions
- What do you want to achieve with your campaign or influencers?
- What do you want influencers to do for your brand?
- What does the individual influencer get out of it / in return?
- Who should contact influencers, when and how?
Calculating reach: How to calculate impressions
- Calculate impressions<
Impressions of a posting = number of followers / 1.52
Impressions of a story = number of followers / 27.46
Comparison of success with ROI (Return of Invest)
- ROI = Revenue generated / Investment for Sponsored Post<
2.5 = 250 turnover / 100 investment - Heavy on Instagram, just a link
- Tracking through codes
Possible uses and hashtag analyzer
Whether it’s an advertising agency, online marketing or social media agency. Not everyone can afford the luxury! Many brands take their social media management into their own hands and then have to set up good campaigns with less expertise. This all requires creative ideas, ideas don’t fall from the sky of course. In China, they say copying is the highest form of recognition. If you haven’t created a lot of social media content yet, you should definitely seek inspiration from around the world. There are great campaigns in the US, Canada in France or in Spain. Before you rack your brains for weeks, it helps to take a look at the competition or competitors. You can also take campaigns from other industries and adapt them to your own industry. From the advertising effect to the emotionalization to the creativity, we discuss all this in our video tutorial and show how you can come up with your own creative content for Instagram.
Effect of Influencer Campaigns
- Reach and attention
- Increase in brand awareness
- Emotionalization
- Interaction
Forms of advertising: Planning content with bloggers
- Product presentations
- Product recommendations
- Unboxing
- Hashtag setting
- Products (clothing) “wear
- Direct sales (affiliate marketing)
Competitor analysis and ideas
- Channels on IG
- Or hashtag analyzer
Qualitative and quantitative attributes of the influencer
How would you start your influencer campaign? Do you want to work with a specific influencer or…? not quite, you want reach! So the first thing is to identify the target audience you want. Who do we want to reach? Only then do we think about the means.
After we have already checked off this step in our first idea generation in the campaign planning, it is now a matter of finding the perfect influencer for our advertising measure! We not only look at the qualitative characteristics, i.e. what does the channel look like, how old is the influencer, in which region does he or she live, we also look at the quantitative characteristics of a blogger. Here we are talking in particular about likes, comments, fans and the interaction rate. Especially the interaction rate or engagement rate, plays a crucial role in the evaluation of an influencer. Later we will take a closer look at the interaction rate, but first the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of influencers.
Qualitative characteristics of bloggers
- Characteristics from “Influencer identification”.
- Gender, age, look, interests, amount of influencers, min/max. Followers
- Whose target group is A&O
Quantitative characteristics of bloggers
- Number of followers
- Number of comments
- Number of likes and shares
- Focus: Engagement and interactions<
Engagement Rate = Number of Followers / ( Likes + Comments * 2 )
Interactinosrate as a quality factor
The interaction rates differ extremely, but depending on the network, you can make a rough estimate of what the interaction rate is on average, depending on the number of fans. For Instagram, the following values have been found to be striking, in the analysis of bloggers. If you study the individual channels and the respective data, you can determine a large field of influencers who are at certain values. We have summarized all the values once, so that even beginners know directly which values are acceptable and which are not. This value is especially important for pricing, i.e. for the final costs of an influencer campaign.
- Up to 50,000 fans from 8-20% (top 25, 30%; average 8-12%)
- 50.000 – 100.000 Fans from 6-14%
- 100,000 – 500,000 fans from 5-11%.
- 500.000 – 1.000.000 Fans from 4-9%
- 1.000.000 – 5.000.000 Fans from 2 -6%
- 5.000.000 – 10.000.000 Fans from 1-4%
Influencer Search with Social Analytics
Until now, companies and agencies spend hours in Excel spreadsheets to search for influencers, to enter new ones or simply to update data. The search wastes a lot of time and with every new search, you have to fall back on old data or start searching again. With Social Analytics this changes, here you can find bloggers with just a few clicks! Categorized by country, city or even topic. With such analytics, the influencer search is very simple!
- Find Influencers with the Research Tool from Social Analytics
- Cities, countries, categories: All in one overview
- Influencer Management and Groups
Influencer briefing: here we go!
Before we contact our blogger, we draft our briefing. In this briefing, i.e. in the request, are all the important details that our blogger needs to know so that he can make his own assessment of whether the campaign is interesting for him or not. In the briefing we record all the important data, not only general, such as contact details, but also the content of the advertising campaign, the respective media usage, the channels and much more information. In the free online video tutorial, we look in detail at each step and explain what should be in a complete influencer briefing before contacting them.
- Contact details<
Company, contact person, e-mail, phone - Campaign data<
Customer, Content - Tasks of the Influencer (Digital)<
Postings, Stories, Videos, Presence
/// TIP – bracket
- Tasks of the Influencer (Offline)<
Preparation, training, store visits - Frequency<
One-time, regular, term / cancellation? - Media usage<
Countries, language regions, duration - Contents of the postings<
Representation of the mark, marking, mention - Use<
Influencer, Client, PR / Press, Third Party
Contacting bloggers and influencers
One of the absolute most common questions we’ve gotten is how do I actually contact an influencer? People who have 100,000 or 200,000 fans on a social network alone, many don’t “like” to write to. Why? Of course, you know they get a lot of requests. Every day, 20, 30 emails come with requests. Some are serious, others not so much. Many bloggers open their emails at night, because they do your management themselves.
What’s the big secret to getting a response? In a nutshell, it’s about showing the influencer that you want to work with him or her. Also, he or she needs a detailed briefing so that the influencer sees that this is a professional request. The video shows how this works!
General behaviour for making contact
- Via e-mail, short and sweet
- Do not put pressure on
- Take criticism seriously
- Personal dialogue
- Record content and ideas
- Show interest in contributions
- Like, comment on the blogger’s posts
Offer added value and show interest
- Exclusive offers
- Unpublished information
- For profiling in your own community
Create contract and agreements
- Basis: Briefing of the Influencer
Processing from posting to payment
- Influencer posts photos / videos
- Influencer stores media (posts, stories, etc.)
- Send media data (monitoring)
- Payment
Offers for agencies: Make predictions quickly and easily
How do you quickly and easily create offers in different variations for customers? Especially for agencies, our social analytics campaign planner is extremely interesting. Even without much experience, offers can be professionally calculated with predicted reach or impressions. Likewise, for each individual campaign that is tested, the various likes and comments are predicted. Customers can thus be sent a quick assessment and also quickly build different campaigns to run them against each other in the test. The customer can then decide on one of the packages.
- Campaign planning and prediction of reach, likes, comments
- Pricing of postings and stories
Monitoring to measure the success of influencer campaigns
Every professional campaign needs monitoring. Monitoring is the ultimate measurement of success and the final decision whether a campaign was successful or not. A decision that is made based on the available numbers and data. Statistical surveys are very difficult and require an extremely large amount of time in agencies and companies. We ourselves have met agencies that have staff who are on Instagram for two hours every evening, trawling through various channels of influencers that you work with. Then individual images are viewed, searched by hashtag for tags and everything seen is neatly noted in an Excel spreadsheet. After that, more screenshots are taken, saved. All this data needs to be collected again a week later to give the client meaningful data on the success of the campaign, every week, every month or even every day. So monitoring is extremely important.
With social analytics, monitoring is one of the core pieces of the software! Here you can quickly and easily provide customers with analyses, not just once, but individually, with your own time period, hashtags and tags.
- Influencer grouping for monitoring
- Parameter input (mention, mark in image and hashtags)
Influencer marketing has absolutely proven itself as a method and strategy in online marketing. International companies rely on it and more and more German companies also rely on influencer marketing. Statistics, studies and, of course, best practice examples from the big companies show how successful it is! Social Analytics makes it possible for the first time that every company can do Influencer Marketing for themselves. With their own search, their own management and their own monitoring. Influencer marketing offers extremely many benefits, from credibility to high reach and extremely accurate targeting. For companies and agencies, social media has become one of the great marketing tools and Instagram in particular, shows what opportunities companies have to achieve great economic success, with creative campaigns and well-planned content.
- Desired target group
- Influencer marketing is credible
- High ranges
- Promising success
In 2017, 50% of 14-19 year olds bought a product through an influencer recommendation - Social analytics supports the entire process
Get started now! Learn more about Social Analytics here.