Tag Archive for: Reichweite

Influencer performance: KPIs for social media campaigns

Influencer marketing is still completely new for many. People have always influenced other people, through recommendations, simple “broadening” but also through criticism. Influencer marketing

Combin Instagram Tool in Test: Build Followers/Fans and Reach

A new social media tool for Instagram. Today we’re testing Combin! With Combin, you can gain new followers and build more reach. In a nutshell, what Combin is all about. The ultimate key fact: The absolute main criterion for Combin is the hashtag or user search with subsequent and through the search targeted “mass” likes/comments […]

Influencer Marketing #4: KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), Goals and Planning of the Social Media Campaign

The conception of the influencer concept for our upcoming campaign will now really be the biggest chunk! Here it’s all about the big questions and the very small ones. Starting with the definition of the target group to the customer needs to the various goals and KPIs that we ultimately need to measure the success […]

Social Media Marketing Report Heilbronn

Soziale Netzwerke sind ein Geflecht aus dynamischen Gruppen von Menschen, verschiedenen Plattformen und technischen Funktionen die unsere Kommunikation mit Freunden allgegenwärtig und multimedial macht. Smarte Social Media Kampagnen vermarkten Produkte oder

Socia Media Marketing Report Darmstadt

Schlaue Social Media Kampagnen promoten neue Produkte oder Dienstleistungen wesentlich effektiver und durch präzises Zielgruppentargeting mit wesentlich weniger Streuverlust als in klassischen Medien. Soziale Netzwerke sind ein Geflecht aus dynamischen Gruppen von Menschen, verschiedenen Plattformen und technischen Funktionen die unsere Kommunikation mit Freunden allgegenwärtig und multimedial macht.

Social Media Marketing Report Aachen

The ease of use of social networks make our everyday communication with our friends, family and colleagues so simple. Smart social media campaigns market new products or services much more efficiently and through precise target group targeting with less wastage than in traditional media. For all companies and businesses, social media marketing is therefore an […]

Social Media Marketing Report Kiel

Social media concepts, smart strategies and a clear focus: Social media marketing for Kiel makes your digital transformation successful with strategies from us. Our social media managers promote new, innovative products through smart social media campaigns. Social networks make our communication with friends, colleagues and family so fast. Social media marketing Social media marketing has […]

Learn Video Online Marketing with YouTube – Tutorial

YouTube online marketing is the art of bringing relevant content and visitors together. Through content marketing, the skilful planning of content (of texts, images, networks, etc.), great, lasting successes in online marketing can be achieved. This means: rankings in search engines, interaction in social networks, and much more. Learn in this article how to filter […]

Social media concept: How it works – brand, reach, monitoring

Strong social media concepts rarely include only a network or a social media strategy. What makes them so special is a perfect mix of different operational and strategic considerations for optimization. The first step always deals with the brand and its identity. Here, special emphasis is placed on the emotions and messages that your social […]

Content Marketing: 7 steps to success – strategy, SEO, content generation

Content marketing practice of our online marketing agency: During the last weeks we received more and more requests for “Content Marketing”. It seems to be a hot topic, which many agencies jump on to tie up expensive packages. After my interview, this week in Cologne, I also wanted to do some “content” for you! Because, […]