Influencer marketing on the rise / Interview Internet World Business

Influencer Marketing – “2017 was a year in which a much ridiculed trend grew into an adult industry,” reads the headline on the latest articles in Internet World Business. Then Influencer Marketingerreicht mittlerweile nicht nur Vorreiter sondern auch etablierte Agenturen, die sich immer mehr auf diese neue Form der Reichweiten Generierung für Marketingaktionen verlassen. Influencers […]

Petfluencer. Cat and dog in social media marketing – 1LIVE / WDR Interview

Petfluencer in Social Media Marketing – Today I was interviewed by WDR or 1LIVE Radio on the topic of influencers and even more special: #Petfluencer! Dogs and cats are extremely popular among Germans, millions are spent here every year on the finest food and all kinds of accessories. Petfluencers are also conquering the world of […]

Search Engine Optimization Berlin: SEO Recommendations for Onpage & Offpage

Everyone knows search engines, first and foremost Google, of course, and the task of a search engine is to give the searcher the best possible results for the search terms. With SEO measures you achieve that the website of a company – provided the content is right – is placed as favorably as possible in […]

Influencer Marketing Tool forInstagram: Social Analytics

Now it is time! After months of planning, Social Analytics is ready. The first comprehensive software tool for Instagram / Influencer Marketing on a high level. Social analytics is a huge win for small brands or big advertising agencies

Social media stars 2017: review of trends, newcomers and campaigns

2017 hat Social Media Marketing aber auch Stars weiter in die Mitte der Gesellschaft gerückt. Vom Influencer Award wie dem “Place To B” von Axel Springer bis zum About You Awards. Weiter zu neuen Shooting Stars der Szene, im speziellen Lisa und Lena

Instagram Story: Now with polls, opportunities and risks for influencers and brands

Now in Internet World Business magazine, the new interview with social media expert Stephan M. Czaja on the topic of “Influencer Marketing: New survey function of Instagram Stories”. Social media networks have changed the world and influencer marketing is changing the world of advertising. With constantly new features, social networks also advertise themselves. Instagram now […]

Influencer performance: KPIs for social media campaigns

Influencer marketing is still completely new for many. People have always influenced other people, through recommendations, simple “broadening” but also through criticism. Influencer marketing

Combin Instagram Tool in Test: Build Followers/Fans and Reach

A new social media tool for Instagram. Today we’re testing Combin! With Combin, you can gain new followers and build more reach. In a nutshell, what Combin is all about. The ultimate key fact: The absolute main criterion for Combin is the hashtag or user search with subsequent and through the search targeted “mass” likes/comments […]

Influencer & Blogger: New! Software for prices, costs and offers

What do influencers cost? Exclusively and free of charge for selected press representatives and bloggers, the Influencer Price Calculator is now available! Viral content is worth its weight in gold. But how do you generate interest? Now free for renowned media to embed in articles. Millions of young people are promoting on their channels. Learn […]

Influencer Categories: Classification of marketing types with formula + info graphics

How are Influencers actually categorized? Especially for an Influencer agency, it is important to have a quick overview even if it is about offers for customers. The meaningful composition in groups helps in the calculation of prices also with the clarity. In universities and colleges, too, there is an increasing emphasis on the topic of […]