Freelancer: External staff for more power, tasks, costs & Co.

Freelancers – Not every order can be handled by the company’s own employees. If there are order peaks or orders that lie outside the company’s own area of expertise, freelancers are called in.

Freelancer as external employee tool

Freelancers then take care of individual projects on a self-employed basis. Companies like to book freelancers because they can often cover projects that cannot be handled by their own staff.

Of course, you could counteract this by recruiting employees, but finding good employees (who also commit) takes longer than the quick search for freelancers on the web.

Typical tasks in social marketing

The work starts with simple content tasks, such as:

  • Composing contributions and postings
  • Communication with the community as well as customers and internal interfaces
  • Research for relevant topics
  • Ideas for campaigns (organic or paid)
  • Campaign and strategy planning
  • Creation of reports through analysis tools

However, it can also go much deeper into the matter, as in the case of placing ads and performance marketing.

Costs for freelancers / employees

The cost of a freelancer is usually always higher than the typical hour of an employee. On the other hand, you save yourself a lot of bureaucracy, because in the end for simply paid an invoice.

Accordingly, the rule tends to be, for short-term jobs, it’s worth hiring a freelancer, even at a higher cost, to get the job.

If the corresponding competences are needed more often in the company, one should increasingly think about own personnel in order to increase the profitability again.

Booking via online platform: fastest method

The easiest way to find freelancers is through online platforms like fiverr or through personal contacts, e.g. from other entrepreneurs or businesswomen who can recommend good freelancers in a certain field.

However, the more specialized the task, the more likely it is that online platforms will be suitable for finding freelancers. Tip. Here you can use the filter functions and search masks to search very precisely for specialist areas, experience and other important parameters of the freelancer.

  • Booking via online platforms
  • Tip: Use filters and quickly, effectively find freelancers