Recruiting: What is it? Steps in personnel marketing

Recruiting refers to the process of attracting and selecting candidates for open positions in a company. The goal of recruiting is to find and hire qualified candidates to meet the company’s job requirements.

Recruiting process: steps

The recruiting process usually starts with identifying a vacancy in the company. The HR department or a recruiter creates a job description and defines the requirements that the ideal candidate should meet.

Develop strategy

Then a strategy is developed to reach potential candidates. This can be done by posting job ads on job boards, social media, searching resumes in databases, or working with recruiters or headhunters.

Pre-selection of applicants

Once potential candidates have been found, applicants are pre-selected on the basis of their qualifications, experience and skills. Interviews are then conducted to find the most suitable candidates.

Interview and employment contract

After the interview, the company decides which candidate is the best fit for the open position and offers him or her an employment contract.

The recruiting process can vary depending on the company and the type of vacancy. Some companies also have special procedures and tools such as assessment centers or work samples to test the suitability of candidates.

Recruiting agency

The search for qualified employees can become a major challenge for companies. In this day and age, when digitization is becoming more and more prevalent, the Internet offers numerous opportunities for attracting potential employees. In this context, recruiting agencies are playing an increasingly important role, as they offer holistic support in the area of employee recruitment. In this article, you will learn which recruiting measures are available and what you should look for when choosing a recruiting agency. In addition, we explain when it makes sense to hire an agency and what makes a good recruiting agency.

So if you want to know how to find the perfect recruiting agency, then you should definitely read on.

  • Recruiting agency
  • Personal Marketing
  • Employer Branding