Corporate Identity – public image, communication and structure for your company

Corporate identity in companies is much more than just the appearance. CI goes deeper into detail and gives the company, its employees, stakeholders and customers a fixed framework of orientation. A corporate identity is not just about making a company beautiful, it is about creating the foundations of a company. The corporate identity affects the team as well as each individual employee, as well as all media and communication within and outside the company. The corporate identity is thus the focus on their core business and on the principles they want to represent as a company. Externally and internally, this corporate identity thus reflects an important part of your company and its corporate philosophy. Employees will orient themselves to it, whether they are new or already working for your company. Also all customers will have this one perception of them. That is why a company should always rely on a good advertising agency and a good manager for this task.

Corporate Identity is more: Corporate Design

In the corporate identity there are of course several different partial aspects, which are considered by the all-encompassing strategy. The most important and best known is probably the corporate design. Corporate Design deals with the visual design of your company. The design plays an important role, it needs a red thread and its own recognition value. No matter if it is a homepage, your own online shop, flyers or even business cards and stationery.

The visual external effect reflects your company. You are free to decide which look you want to represent as a brand in your corporate design. Whether it should be the modern aspect, the minimalist or the very conspicuously colorful. Especially large companies trust in colours, especially flashy and gaudy colours! Look only at advertising brochures of large companies, such as supermarket chains. Each one has its own colour and its individual shade. This will be permanently represented in the store (POS), on the homepage, in the shop and on all leaflets and image brochures. The corporate design creates the branding for the brand. When you go back into a supermarket, whether Hamburg, Berlin or Munich, with the same colour scheme, you immediately feel at home. You will also recognize your product much faster, which is why every company pays attention to corporate design. Whether it stands now in the supermarket shelf or whether it concerns a visiting card or a Logo Corporate Design, recognition is the A&O for an advertising agency. It ensures that you and your company are recognizable again. For customers and consumers this is an important point of reference. It also increases their sales and turnover. Beside the Corporate Design there are naturally still other partial aspects of the Corporate Identity. Another important one would be the Corporate Communications.

Corporate Communication – Expression of the company to customers, press & Co.

With a Corporate Communications Guideline, fewer errors occur in external communication. Within Corporate Communications, you define all communication channels and all content that is exchanged between your employees and customers. In larger companies, of course, various partial aspects are added here: media, PR, press, etc. It is only important that any arrangements with the public are always defined by a person who knows how the company should operate. Look at your employees: If you know exactly what you can and should not say, it is easier to stick to it. Sources of error are thus eliminated. And this is especially important for PR measures and press work.

Of course, there are many other partial aspects of corporate identity. It is always worthwhile for a company to draw up guidelines for its own company. This motivates your own employees and shows new employees how you manage your company and also forces them to think about the company and its external communication, as well as their own, towards customers and consumers. This tightens up your own company and always shows a serious, well thought-out and professional appearance of your company to the outside world.