Content Marketing: 7 steps to success – strategy, SEO, content generation

Content marketing practice of our online marketing agency: During the last weeks we received more and more requests for “Content Marketing”. It seems to be a hot topic, which many agencies jump on to tie up expensive packages. After my interview, this week in Cologne, I also wanted to do some “content” for you! Because, content marketing in principle is quite simple. Yes, really. A pinch of passion for your project, a cappuccino for breakfast and an opened notebook / tablet with text editor.

Content marketing is simple. It really is.

To be honest: If you have compelling content for your “readers”, then do content marketing. If you have people commenting, sharing or linking (in social media) to your content, do content marketing. If you have content intelligently linked (website, Facebook, YouTube), you do content marketing. If you involve your users in your activities (through actions), you do content marketing. In short: write, link, market. Quite classical, isn’t it?

Exactly! As you can see, the term content marketing is nothing new. Although it is often understood and sold by media agencies as a completely new era, content marketing, the simple, classic way of collecting recipients (readers, interested parties) with qualitative delay, is well thought out and always with added value for your readers.

That’s what LinkedIn says on the subject:

Der Spiegel – Classic example of content marketing

Good content marketing is already practised by the “most classic” German media. Consider the Spiegel, for example, as a magazine. The Spiegel produces, according to the consensus, valuable content that is interesting for many readers, therefore relevant for them and therefore of interest. Ergo, reach and retention time through good content, i.e. content marketing.

Why, you can see now: To achieve this, the Spiegel does not rely on a single format, such as the print magazine, but also on a diverse media portfolio consisting of various off- and online channels. So you will find the Spiegel not only on the newspaper shelf and in the mailbox, the Spiegel is of course available on the internet, on its own website, with links to all magazines. But you can also find the magazine in social media such as Facebook and on TV, every Sunday evening on RTL. Didn’t have time? All content is also available here on its own website, in social media and in its own Spiegel TV YouTube channel.

Case study: content marketing agency or manage it yourself?

Do it yourself

As previously described, content marketing is relatively simple: write, link, market. This short case should give you an idea of what content marketing is in its most original form. Now we ask ourselves the questions, how did you transfer this concept to a small company, i.e. content marketing for everyone?

You need a system (multimedia linking)

Let us now transfer this to a local shop, for example a barbershop. The small hairdresser’s shop builds its own website, which can be easily implemented with a system such as WordPress (you will find the download here). The small hairdresser shop sets up a Facebook fan page and posts a video on Youtube twice a month.

You need content (qualitative content)

On the hairdresser’s website, the small hairdresser’s shop now writes about practical tips (from a professional), product news or upcoming theme-relevant events in the city. People will follow him if they recognize the honest and if they see the added value (tips, news, events) for themselves! Some of you will not only read, they may even share a blog post on their social networks.

You need awareness (marketing)

Here step 1 (linking) and step 2 (qualitative content) are combined: Fortunately the small hairdresser’s shop is also active here and writes small news or posts pictures from the hairdresser’s shop almost daily. Plus current opening hours, tips or a few styling tips from celebrities (celebrities are always interesting). With the Youtube videos he completes his multimedia appearance and can be found quickly in search engines – which hairdresser (…) in their makes Youtube videos?

Excursion: User Generated Contents

It is worthwhile to take a look at shared content and commented content here. This is called user-generated-content. This means user-generated content such as comments, postings, etc. This form of content gets additional value, because contributions are also interesting for friends. This means that you passively increase your reach. Viva la internet! No, that was already there, word-of-mouth propaganda (technical term: viral marketing). Don’t trust technical terms, everything has been there before and everything is easy if you approach the challenge with interest. But, back to the topic:

Now our little hairdresser’s shop no longer has just a blank business card with telephone number and email address. We have created a media system for the little hairdresser by providing useful information and valuable tips from his individual wealth of experience. For example, users who read an article about hair trends read another one that shows “The perfect make-up”. Afterwards, one click on Facebook, Like. You have already won the user over!

Many different pages in the overview. Symbolizes content marketing

Range and qualitative contents increase your relevance

Effect 1: You have increased your range. Effect 2 of qualitative content, users stay longer, their interest increases, as does their willingness to buy. “Because giving is more blessed than receiving,” or also, “do good and you will get good back.

Content marketing is online marketing

Content marketing is not an incredibly modern online marketing tool. For freelancers and small medium sized companies it is often enough to publish your know-how and expertise in regular intervals on different media channels. Do not consider content marketing as a difficult field of the modern media industry. Consider content marketing as “telling stories”. Try to tell your best friends about yourself and your business – only in text form. As if you were giving tips to your best friend. The important thing is: Be passionate about it and report on topics that interest you. Then “reporting” is easy!

You see, content marketing is not difficult, you just have to develop a passion for writing, take the time regularly, for example during breakfast or lunch break. Voila! You are already doing modern content marketing for which you don’t need an expensive agency.

Online Marketing Agency

What distinguishes an online marketing agency is its special feeling for new, digital online media. Online marketing is a powerful advertising tool. You avoid wastage. Because, it is a difference whether you spread advertising messages in classic media, such as print magazines or market your business model on the Internet. As an online marketing agency, we make sure that your marketing message is always spread through the right channels. We reach your desired target groups and address them specifically. The unbeatable advantage of digital advertising strategies is that target groups can be defined and addressed extremely precisely through target group targeting, for example, based on interests and friends on Facebook. By clever online marketing with a media agency on your side, you avoid high wastage.

Media diversity in online marketing

The Internet is also constantly gaining in diversity through innovative ideas. Online marketing for companies in the media mix of different platforms, websites and channels is becoming more and more extensive. Online marketing works in many different ways, but first you need to know exactly your product or project to answer the question: Who do you want/need to reach? Because with the variety of marketing channels on the Internet, it is important to separate all the relevance – what is needed, what is not. Yes, scatter loss can also occur in online marketing. This makes it all the more important to develop an experienced online marketing strategy that includes both your ideas and those of your customers. We as an online marketing agency bring these two aspects (customer/market) together in strategically clever campaigns, meaningful and appealing designs and creative copywriting.

If you have any questions about online marketing, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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