Online store conversion optimization: “If this, then that” strategy – cheap, more sellers

E-commerce conversion optimization: The “If this, then that” strategy for more sales – In today’s world of e-commerce, conversion optimization is at the heart of converting visitors into paying customers. With a proven strategy based on the “if this, then that” principle, you can increase your sales and get the most out of your existing traffic. In this article, we will explain this strategy in more detail and add additional measures such as data-based advertising via Google Ads and social ads for retargeting your well-known brand.

The “If this, then that” strategy

The “If this, then that” (IFTTT for short) strategy is a precise conversion optimization method based on predefined steps to respond to the behavior of your website visitors. Here is a simple example:

Step 1: User places a product in the shopping cart but does not buy

If a user adds a product to the shopping cart but does not complete the purchase, a message is automatically sent to the user. This message can take various forms, from a friendly reminder to a discount voucher to useful information about the product. The aim is to encourage the user to complete the purchase.

Step 2: User buys the product

As soon as the user purchases the product, they are automatically redirected to a special page with offers for similar products. Here the customer can receive a discount or a special offer to continue shopping and possibly achieve a higher basket value.

Step 3: User leaves the store without buying anything

In the event that the user visits the store but does not take any action, a message is sent to maintain their interest. This message may contain personalized recommendations, special offers or other information to encourage the user to come back and buy.

Everything has an impact

The IFTTT strategy is based on the insight that every behavior on your website has an impact. By responding to this behavior in a targeted way, you can increase the likelihood of a visitor becoming a paying customer. The strategy is data-driven and allows you to focus your efforts exactly where they are most effective.

Supplementary measures for the renewed approach

To further increase your conversion rates and effectively market your already well-known brand, consider data-based advertising via Google Ads and social ads in addition to your IFTTT strategy.

Google Ads allows you to create targeted advertising campaigns based on the behavior and interests of your target audience. You can run retargeting ads that target users who have already visited your website but have not made a purchase. These targeted ads can bring potential customers back to your website and increase the likelihood of a sale.

Social ads: Re-targeting on social platforms

Social ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok offer an excellent opportunity to re-promote your well-known brand. You can create ads that target users who have already shown interest in your products. By sharing engaging content and offers on these platforms, you can further engage your audience and encourage them to return to your website and make a purchase.

Overall, combining the “If this, then that” strategy with data-driven advertising via Google Ads and Social Ads is a highly effective way to increase your conversion rates and generate more sales. Use these strategies to maximize the potential of your e-commerce business and reach your sales goals.