Conversion rate: the ratio between the number of visitors and conversions

Conversion rate, also called conversion rate, is a metric in online marketing and represents the ratio between the number of visitors to your website and the number of transactions defined as conversions. The term “conversion” generally refers to a completion or user action, but previously defined and achieved goals can also be counted as conversions.

Example of a conversion rate

The conversion rate is basically calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of impressions. For example, if 10 out of 1,000 visitors to your website bought the offered product, your conversion rate is 1%.

Aspects that lead to the deterioration of the conversion rate

Here you can see aspects that can worsen the conversion rate:

  • Few payment options
  • Unreadable texts
  • Technical problems with the website
  • Defective links
  • Inconveniently placed buttons
  • Complicated login procedures

Conversion rate quickly explained

Conversion rate briefly explained:

  • Key figure in online marketing
  • Relationship between number of visitors to a website and number of conversions