Meme – What is a Meme? Definition and Best Practice
Social media memes are an absolute phenomenon of the social media world. They are relatively easy to understand. Graphics consisting of a picture, or a short video in connection with a striking text. If you take as an example a famous actor, like Will Smith in his then parade role as Prince of Bel Air Dance, you will see “Weekend!” in big letters above. So memes express a certain emotion.
Memes as an integral part of digital communication
Small graphics are now built into every Direct Messenger, from Facebook and WhatsApp to Instagram and TikTok. Everywhere there are small GIF animations in which famous people dance, jump into the air, or even put on a legendary look. Short, small sequences of one or two seconds running in a continuous loop. Above them are extremely striking texts, in large lettering. This means that the content can also be read excellently on small smartphone displays.
Pictures or memes say more than a thousand words! That’s why memes have become so successful. From absolute classics like GrumpyCat, the constantly evil-looking cat, to comic heroes like Donald Duck, to real people like Donald Trump, or even great actors like Will Smith and Brad Pitt. Moments everyone knows, e.g. Leonardo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wallstreet and a matching comment on the subject of wealth “I am rich bitch” – provocative, simple, funny, these are memes.