Core Analysis
Core Analysis
Channel, target group and competitor analysis with subsequent consultation and goal setting.
Social media concept, production and editorial plan from a single source. Reading tip: Social media strategy
Community management ensures organic reach and creates brand fans. Reading tip: Community Management
Social Media Ads
Campaign switching, paid reach for content, dark posts and evaluation. Read tip: Facebook Ads
Content, community and campaign analysis with subsequent monitoring and reporting. Reading tip: Monitoring
Customer communication
Regular appointments with our social media experts for strategy optimization. A little insight Best Practice.
Brand advocates and referral marketing are a key tool in social marketing. Reading tip: Influencer marketing
With expertise from food to fashion, we organize influencer events with top media output. Reading tip: Influencer Event
Our experts impart their knowledge in a focused manner to your employees or guests. Read Tip! Social Media Speaker
Advanced training
We bring your employees up to speed and accompany you as mentors in social media marketing. Reading tip: Social Media Workshop
We work on brand fans, not followers. We crate presence with attention to detail. Reading tip: Social media agency.
Influencer Campaigns Best Practice Examples
in Berlin, Best Practice, Influencer/by LauraInfluencer marketing and campaigns are, of course, not new in Social Media Marketing! There are many best practice examples from the industry that show how successful you can build up your reach and win new customers. Of course there are also the traditional campaigns in social networks.
Social Media Campaigns Best Practice Examples
in Berlin, Best Practice, Marketing/by LauraSocial Media Campaign – There are many best practice examples. From international brands to Facebook, Instagram & Co. advertising to Product Placement and Influencer Marketing. If you want to see the best case examples here, read our article about Influencer Campaigns Best Practice Examples. Social Media Campaigns Best Practice Examples At the end of the […]
Influencer vs Musicians: New advertising campaigns in the fashion world
in Berlin, Influencer, Press/by LauraInfluencer vs Musicians – After our last TV interview on the subject of “Unicorns in Social Media Marketing”, the current interview of the TextilWirtschaft magazine saw a new trend, or a tried and true one that is slowly regaining attention: musicians! After the influencer
Influencer: Successful on the Net / ZDF TV contribution on Mona Lisa
in Influencer, Instagram, Press/by LauraToday at 6 pm we were once again on TV. This time the ZDF wanted to accompany our newcomer Influencer Soraya Wanya at the Store Opening in the article “Influencer: Success in the Web”! Then it went directly to the customer for a fitting. Soraya did a great job. Our marketing manager also speaks of […]
Social Media Marketing: Graphics / Gifs for Facebook Ads and Instagram DIY
in Ads, Berlin, Best Practice, E-Commerce, Help, Instagram, Marketing/by LauraMany post on their Instagram Channel the same photos, which are already in e-commerce to be seen. Value is so important when it comes to the fast consumption of content. For the interaction, you only have a few minutes as a manager, the user scrolls to the next image. Instagram
Test drive in the new Toyota C-HR Hybrid, today with Influencer!
in Best Practice, Influencer, Instagram, References/by Laura