E-Business: Scaling, Digital Commerce and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Self-Employed

Scaling, Digital Trade and Key Figures – E-Business, the winged magic word for our generation! Just 20 years ago, we would all have had to flick through the phone book, call people, hand out business cards. Today, anyone can start their own business from the sofa. Thanks to open source solutions such as WordPress or […]

The Social Book – Social Media Marketing Basics for Students + Managers

Last week, the second edition of The Social Book hit bookstores. The Social Book is our little collection on social media marketing and social media basics. If you want to start your career in marketing or management, the basics and the understanding of group dynamics but also of social contexts in relation to social media […]

Regrammen, Repin, Retweet + Responsive YouTube Videos with CSS

Regram, ribs, retreat, important names for social media managers. But what makes the terms so special? Content production is extremely complex! For Instagram less than for YouTube but still it needs almost daily content on social networks. Showing your creativity every day is difficult. This is not only about creativity itself, of course there are […]

Troll: Social Media Hate Speech & Shit Storm

A so-called troll is an anonymous person on the Internet who attracts attention through a high number of negative and critical comments. The so-called trolling has even managed to become a fixed term. The goal of the trolls is to defame people or companies, ideas, projects, even countries. In Russia there are whole trollfabriken, houses […]

Page views: Determine organic reach, Google Analytics and website views

Page views, so-called impressions, stand for sightings by individual persons. There are two different variants within the page views. On the one hand there are page impressions, these count every single page call, even if a user has opened our page twice, or even three times. Secondly, there are the unique impressions, where each user […]

Screenshot: Screenshot with Windows & F keys

A so-called screenshot is a photo of your screen. Only that the photo is not taken with a camera, but independently by the end device. Screenshots can be taken on all end devices, computers, notebooks, tablets and of course on the smartphone. Tip! Screenshots on the PC, free of charge without software Many who have […]

Return on Investment (ROI) – Calculation and investment calculation in marketing

The return of investment is one of the central factors in business administration and thus naturally also in social media marketing. ROI is how profitable a single campaign is. The Return of Investment (ROI) thus indicates how economically a single campaign or an operational area is in relation to the investment made. On the basis […]

Response Rate: Definition, Social Media & Calculate

The response rate indicates the response rate to a particular campaign. In comparison with several campaigns, it is shown which success factors can be derived from them. The response rate can have very different reasons, a simple example would be a marketing survey sent to 1,000 companies. When 400 questionnaires come back, put the rate […]

Header Image for Facebook, Twitter and Youtube – Create, Optimize and Size

Header picture for Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. For each individual social media channel, you need its own header image and, of course, individual information, conforming to the respective social network. The pixels, i.e. the dimensions and formats of the title pictures differ. That’s why you have to make sure that you choose the right dimensions […]

User Generated Content – Web 2.0: Advantages and Disadvantages

Web 2.0, user-generated content, that’s the big new source of innovation. While the world was built over millennia after transmitter receiver model was built, one transmitter, many receivers, Web 2.0 and the structure of everything has changed. Today, anyone can become a radio station and so there are stars on YouTube and Instagram who still […]