Kickstarter campaign video: What to watch out for?

How do you create a compelling Kickstarter video? You have a great idea and want to fund it through Kickstarter? A compelling Kickstarter video is key to the success of your crowdfunding campaign. Here’s how to create a video that grabs your audience’s attention and wins backers. Back to: Kickstarter.

1. catchy beginning

Every video needs a strong start. This first impression is crucial to captivating viewers. Start with an exciting moment or a compelling question. Then show the main problem or need your project will solve.

  • Capture the attention of the audience immediately
  • Present the main problem or need

2. presentation of the team

You are the engine behind your project. Introduce yourself and your team in detail to build trust and credibility. Emphasize your qualifications, experience and passion for the project.

  • Introduce yourself and your team in detail
  • Emphasize qualifications and passion for the project

3. explain the project

Clarity is key. Explain your project in understandable terms and use visual aids like animations and graphics to illustrate complex ideas. Show how your project will improve people’s lives.

  • Explain your project clearly and understandably
  • Use visual aids for illustration
  • Emphasize how your project will improve people’s lives

4. show prototype or progress

If you have already developed prototypes or made progress, show them. This greatly increases the credibility of your project. Showcase the work you’ve done so far and the results you’ve achieved.

  • Present prototypes or progress to date
  • Show results and achievements

5. rewards and support opportunities

Explain in detail what rewards supporters can receive when they back your project. Show how these rewards add value and why it’s worth becoming part of your campaign.

  • Explain the rewards in detail
  • Show the added value of support

6. social evidence

Prove that your project is already receiving support. Share media coverage, testimonials from satisfied customers, or expert opinions. This is how you build trust with potential supporters.

  • Parts media coverage and expert opinions
  • Show satisfied customers or supporters

7. funding target and schedule

Explain how much money you need and what it will be used for. Give a realistic timeline for completing your project so supporters know what they’re getting into.

  • Explain the funding goal and how it will be used
  • Give a realistic schedule

8. call to action

Finally, encourage viewers to support your project. Use clear calls to action like “Support us now” or “Share this campaign with friends.” Make it clear how important their support is.

  • Encourage support and sharing
  • Make clear the importance of their support

9. contact details and social media links

Provide ways for viewers to contact you if they have questions. Encourage them to follow you on social media to get updates about your project and stay in touch.

  • Offer contact options
  • Encourage following on social media

10. conclusion

End your video with a strong impression and a summary of the main points. Thank viewers for their interest and possible support.

11. optimization for mobile devices

Make sure your video works well on mobile devices, as many people visit Kickstarter on their phones. A mobile friendly display is crucial.

12. length of the video

Usually keep your video to about 2-3 minutes to avoid losing the viewers’ attention. Shorten it to the essentials.

13. quality

Make sure you have good video and sound quality to make a professional impression. Clear images and good sound are essential.

14. testing and revising

Test your video on different audiences and gather feedback to improve it. Be ready to make adjustments to ensure it’s as compelling as possible.

Kickstarter campaign: crowdsourcing to fund your (influencer) brand

Did you already know? From influencer to brand, with your own product! Even the biggest influencers started it all with a Kickstarter campaign.

Kickstarter Kamapgne example: Jeremy Fragrance raised 31x more, totaling 780,000 euros!

Jeremy Fragrance Kickstarter campaign with “Office For Men” (his first fragrance) he asked the community for 25,000 euros, in the end it was 780,149 euros from 5,955 backers! Our close-up on Kickstarter campaigns. How to create successful Kickstarter campaigns for yourself: