Automation: Gain time & earn money – strategies of Alex Fischer’s “Richer than the Geissen
Automation – The ultimate tool to handle recurring processes without (further) own time investment. A simple example is the automated invoicing in an online shop: If you realize that writing invoices takes up a lot of time from your employees, then you should automate this process with software.
Automation and increased efficiency
Important: Currently the book is only available in Germany! I speak German and discovered this book or audio book two weeks ago. Even if you wouldn’t understand a word in the podcast, I wanted to introduce some of the methods and strategies to you!
I want to take you with me today to one of the most fascinating business books I have ever read! Written by Alex Fischer, real estate millionaire and the eonly one who has really managed to connect the offline world of real estate with the digital world. On YouTube Alex Fischer reaches hundreds of thousands of views with his real estate and tax tips. He was and is extremely successful with real estate, “Richer than the Geissen” was read by over 200,000 people and now there is the audio book – free for everyone.
As the son of two teachers, he grew up in middle-class circumstances, like most people. He himself started with 0 Euro equity. He has gained and applied experience. This is how the treasure of knowledge came into being over time, which you can find on the website of Alex Düsseldorf Fischer.
Reason enough for a detailed review of my favourite topic in the book “Automation and Efficiency Increase”.
The automation of processes plays a major role in the book. At the beginning, when Alex Fischer tells how he himself came to the automation of information to minimize the training time of employees invested by him to the automation of customer processes of the “mid sixty”, keyword Pareto principle. But you will only get to that in part 2, first it is about automation itself!
What does automation mean?
Automation through new technology, such as the above-mentioned automatic invoicing in online shops, has become a very important topic for companies. Automation itself covers all departments, from shop (sales) to machine (production). In every company, every department, every employee and every process the design looks different, but there are always advantages.
What at first sounds like just a reduction in manpower, on the contrary, tends to create free capacity for existing employees. They can use their know-how in important projects instead of, for example, always writing invoices in the same way. Automation means above all an increase in productivity and efficiency.
In the following, I will show you a few small excerpts that brought great insights for me as an entrepreneur! Especially the automation of certain processes. These were recognized by the previous analysis by the Pareto principle and identified as high time guzzlers. This also leads directly to the second point, learning to isolate and solve problems from episode 16. How to find your purpose.
Example: Employees and customers
In the following example, you can see how useful it is to automate certain processes, using the example of: pension provision vs. rented property.
Excursus – what is the pension gap?
An explanation in short: If you have an income that is over 2.500 Euro net, you are faced with the problem that pensions in Germany are “capped”. The more you earn, the bigger this pension gap becomes. Because above a monthly income of 2,500 Euros, you continue to pay proportionally more taxes, but you don’t get more pension. The basis for calculating your future pension stops at 2,500 euros. Ergo: If you earn more, you pay more, but never get the excess payment back in the form of a higher pension. Therefore, many people whose income is higher invest in an additional, private pension insurance.
Private pension insurance or… Buying and renting real estate? In short, the yield of the property rental model is 5-7 times higher than that of the private pension insurance. This means that, according to Alex Fischer, by renting out a property, you earn 500-700% more income compared to a private pension insurance.
Automation of the information: The breakthrough
Until now new employees have been trained, have internalized the topic, the internal structures in a company and until they have acquired the first customers, a lot of time passes in the training. Out of 10 people you train, often only one is really effective in the end. Some of them are not good enough, others do not make enough effort, some leave the company sooner or later – but what is the problem? Where is the solution? Alex Fischer found it in automation, recording videos of his training, his own internal training course. You will learn this and much more in episode 16. How to find your purpose.
That means you have to isolate and solve problems. If you isolate a problem correctly, the solution will eventually show up. So Alex Fischer recognized the effort of training and shot his first videos. Much more, he added documents, everything beside the daily business. 3 months later he was finished and from now on, his life changed completely.
So Alex Fischer got rid of the things he didn’t like, for example 20 people of 40 hours each, a total of 800 hours of training for an effective, long lasting employee. This concept changed his life! Instead of spending 80% of his time on building up agents, he now had much more time, which he was able to invest more wisely. Imagine what it is like to have 80% more time!
In the podcast he tells in detail how time has changed his life and above all what he now started with his free time: Even more productivity. Doing things you feel like doing.
Additional automation: customer enquiries
So Alex Fischer decided to automate further things. For example, customers who asked the same questions over and over again after buying a property.
- Who is responsible for what?
- What do all these documents I get mean?
- How can I increase the value of my property?
- How do I enter my advantages into the wage tax card?
- How do you do a tax return when you first bought a property?
Standardized answers to questions that every real estate buyer has. Customers now receive automated e-mails after buying real estate.
Advantages of automation
The advantages of automation are obvious:
- More time you can invest in your success
- Less error, as less risk is caused by human error
- Higher satisfaction, clear workflow and fast processing of work
You no longer want to do without the advantages of automated processes in your company? Then listen to the free podcast now and learn more about this topic and the concrete implementation possibilities of automation in episode 16. How to find your purpose.
Alex Fischer: Richer than the Geissens
“In 5 years without equity to become a real estate millionaire” – here you get the right and important tools for a happier and fulfilled life, also through financial freedom. Alex Fischer is living it up, with real estate he himself has already provided for a long time. His focus is on passing on knowledge, strategies and success stories. An extremely inspiring audio book. You want more Know How? Become a free member of the Alex Fischer Community.
Alex Fischer: Learn more strategies
If you want to learn more about principles, strategies and methods, you should take a look at Alex Fischer’s YouTube channel. Here you can find playlists sorted by topic to learn everything online. In addition, you can find links to slides and checklists here on YouTube – these documents are also completely free, without an email address. Tip! In the free member area you get the 27 strategies that Alex Fischer has extracted after more than twenty years of experience, compressed in an 11-page PDF as a checklist.
- Alex Fischer – Website & free members area
- Alex Fischer Youtube
“Richer than the Geissen”: Book and audio book
With over 200,000 readers, “Richer than the Geissen” is mega successful, for good reason. It is also in the Top 100 at Amazon! In a nutshell, you get 43 timeless laws of success with which you can become more successful financially, professionally and privately. You learn to reach your goals, to “materialize” them (what this means, you learn in the book). You will receive exact step-by-step instructions for your own personal financial freedom. This way you avoid really frustrating mistakes right at the beginning. As a private person and / or as an entrepreneur, you learn from Alex Fischer how to avoid these fatal mistakes and at the same time follow your passion – every day! The book contains hundreds of learnings that will help you to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Best of all, you can get the audio book for free on Spotify and iTunes!