Permalink – Facebook, WordPress, SEO and Benefits

Social media permalinks are very important in the entire digital world. Because URLs can change when an article changes. If this article was previously shared in our social media channel, the link is no longer available after a URL change. Therefore, as a media manager, you should take care to set any links as permalinks. […]

Page views: Determine organic reach, Google Analytics and website views

Page views, so-called impressions, stand for sightings by individual persons. There are two different variants within the page views. On the one hand there are page impressions, these count every single page call, even if a user has opened our page twice, or even three times. Secondly, there are the unique impressions, where each user […]

Click Through Rate (CTR) – Measuring Success in Social Media

The click through rate (CTR) is an extremely important indicator in reporting and monitoring. As a key figure, the click rate provides information about the relation between the views, the so-called sightings, and the clicks. The higher this percentage, the more successful the campaign. A little extra tip, if you read this article, you will […]

Newsjacking – iPhone 14, moon hotel and barbecue season

Newsjacking is a technical term from search engine optimization. Newsjacking, what is this anyway? Instead of the definition once a small example. Have you ever looked for iPhone 14? Probably not yet. But at some point it will come, as sure as the amen in church. So if you jump on this topic early, you […]

Organic reach – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Virality

Organic reach is one of the goals in social media management. Because organic reach is sustainable. Real people, real people who interact with their social media account. Most companies spend a lot of money on reach, because creating their own community requires a lot of creativity, time and work. For companies, brands and products it […]

SEO & Photoshop – Duplicate Stock Photos! Cheap and free: Video Tutorial

SEO and Photoshop do not belong together for many at first, but you can (as I show in the video) collect new customers through Google Image Search. The whole thing, quasi free of charge. The problem: Stock photos are legally safe (if purchased with a license), but expensive. Alternatives like Unsplash are free but not […]

SEO Explainer Videos: Learn search engine optimization and software #free

Learnsearch engine optimization and software! Whenever there is some time in the evening at the agency I make explainer videos on social media marketing, Photoshop but also search engine optimization. A few free SEO life hacks on our agency. What does a good SEO optimization cost? Nothing if you do it yourself! As I have […]

Content Marketing – Creative texts with strategy simply explained

Content Marketing deals with the targeted distribution of information through the optimal preparation of content. The better content is packaged, whether in a short keyword form or in a complex brochure, as well as in a website, the better it will convert. With consumers and interested parties as well as with search engines. The discipline […]

Big Data – Algorithm and analysis of large data easily explained

Big data refers to the automatic processing of large data. In social networks such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, but also TikTok, LinkedIn and many other networks, the processing of large amounts of data plays the central role. Not only for advertisers but in general for the algorithm of search engines. Because search engines want […]

Import file list into Excel + Word – Export file names: How to do it

Today I needed again a file list in Excel. Importing and exporting takes a long time when you do it manually. You can easily import the file names into Excel and Word. Listing file names and reading them from folders is very important for many – for example – content marketing applications and saves a […]