Instagram Marketing Blog

Video Tutorials! Hilfe für Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest & mehr

Free video tutorials on social media marketing? There is not any? There is! After our last lecture in Berlin, we caught up with the Youtube camera and are now producing small videos, which enable you online marketing or more targeted social media marketing

Instagram Stars: The most popular accounts

Instagram users are young and energetic. Their interests are not fundamentally different from those of previous generations. In the young years, you are looking for role models and idols, often stars. This also shows one of the most recent statistics on the social network Instagram

Make money with Instagram

Many instructors and bloggers wonder how to earn money with their own Instagram account! Instagram does not differ significantly from the industry giant Youtube. Youtube had only a little more time and was bought up by Google, which since then much in it, the Youtube

Test drive in the new Toyota C-HR Hybrid, today with Influencer!

Social Media Stars: Werbung und Psychologie hinter dem Glamour

Kim Kardashian now knows almost everyone who is somehow damaged with media. In my first book, three years ago, you had 800,000 followers on Instagram. Forbes Magazine has just titled “The New Mobile Mogules”. Today, Kim has 100,000,000 followers. These are 2.75 million new followers a month

Instagram – Advertise in the visual image network

An especially exciting social network, especially for young creative and fashion-oriented people, is the network Instagram. When you open the Instagram application, you do not have a complete timeline like Facebook, which contains lots of information about your friends