Threads Ads – You want to reach people on threads? Then Threads Ads are the easiest and fastest way to get attention! Learn Insights from our Threads Marketing Agency here with information on Threads Ads, the strategy behind the ads, the different ad formats, costs and key performance indicators(KPI). Social Ads on Threads, briefly explained for beginners and options for expanding existing Threads channels with numerous cases from different industries.
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Without ads you will reach only 2% – 5% of your followers! Threads Ads ensure that you can expand your reach faster.
Advantage Threads – Threads reaches an affluent target group, currently around the age of 20 to 45, young people and middle-aged people. A perfect target group for just about anything! Travel from hotels to cruises, furnishings, cars, insurance – the big question is just how to get a big reach for your ideas.
In fact, your content is subject to certain algorithm limits, no matter how good it is. On the one hand, your business channel competes with millions of private channels that constantly publish new content for free, even at night and on weekends. On the other hand, Instagram thrives on selling reach.
To be more precise: run advertisements. This can be a disadvantage, but also a great advantage if done right! Because you can use user data such as age, place of residence, interests, etc. for your advertisements.
Even if your threads channel already has 100,000 followers, you usually only reach 3-8% of them organically.
Organic reach (average): 3-8% of the community.
* Depending on the activity of the channel
Conversely, this means that 92-97% of your community did not see the post (due to high competition on threads).
Booster. Promoted posts for greater reach
So the ideal mix is organic and paid reach. This means that good content is additionally promoted and thus reaches more users on threads.
A promoted post (boost) reaches 1) a large portion of your community and 2) more importantly, additional users on threads. These can be people who have already had touch points with your brand, but also those who have never come into contact with your brand before. This way you can build your community or use the reach and sell directly in the online store. It’s up to you!
Ad placement on threads: Made simple
Ads in the Threads feed or as a Threads Story. Tip: Combine them also with