Influencer Categories: Classification of marketing types with formula + info graphics

How are Influencers actually categorized? Especially for an Influencer agency, it is important to have a quick overview even if it is about offers for customers. The meaningful composition in groups helps in the calculation of prices also with the clarity. In universities and colleges, too, there is an increasing emphasis on the topic of Influencer Marketing. The most successful YouTubers, but also the most successful Instagram, now reach hundreds of millions of people. So they exert more influence with a picture than any TV station in the world could do. The PAM formula divides the influencers into categories.

How much do Influencers actually earn? The Calculation Platform has now published figures showing the average, worldwide merit of Instagram, based on 1 million followers. Here is the infographic: Influencer income worldwide.

Pico, Nano and Mikro Influencer Formula PAM (People Attraction Method)

There are three subcategories:

  1. PAM | Extraterrestrial up from 300.000.00
  2. PAM | Global up to 300.000.000< PAM | Standard up to 3.000.000
  3. PAM | Special Interest up to 600.000

Table of the formula: values and delineation

All the values can be taken exactly from the table. The classification is carried out in the classical classification of pico, micro and micro. As a formu, a it is also used to calculate the costs and prices of campaigners.

PAM Extraterrestrial

PAM Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial / Tera 300M 300.000.000 PAM E PE
PAM Global A Global Influencer / Giga 150M 150.000.000 PAM GA GA
PAM Global B Global Influencer / Giga 90M 90.000.000 PAM GB GB
PAM Global C Global Influencer / Giga 60M 60.000.000 PAM GC GC
PAM Global D Global Influencer / Giga 30M 30.000.000 PAM GD GD

PAM Influencer

PAM Standard Infuencer / Mega 3M 3.000.000 PAM PA
PAM Mikro Special Interest / Kilo 1500K 1.500.000 PAM M PM
PAM Nano Special Interest / Kilo 900K 900.000 PAM N PN
PAM Pico Special Interest / Kilo 600K 600.000 PAM P PP

PAM Special Interest Influencer

PAMSI Special Interest / Kilo 300K 300.000 PAMSI PS
PAMSI Mikro Micro Influencer / Micro 30K 30.000 PAM SIM SM
PAMSI Nano Nano Influencer / Nano 3K 3.000 PAM SIN SN
PAMSI Pico Pico Influencer / Pico 0,3K 300 PAM SIP SP

Info graphic: Categorization of Influencers and Bloggers for Followers / Fans

Influencer Marketing: Your key to organic reach

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