Tag Archive for: filter

Filter – term, definition and the best 5 apps for iPhone & Android

In social media marketing, filters have two meanings, depending on whether the term “filter” is viewed from a systematic or a visual perspective. Filter as a technical function in Content Management On the one hand, filters are functionalities within content management systems that allow a more targeted selection of content. For example, through targeted filtering […]

Geotagging, positioning and geotargeting

Geo tagging and location are important features in social networks. On the one hand for users who would like to show other people where they spend their time and what they have experienced. On the other hand for companies and advertisers who want to place advertisements on Facebook, Instagram and other social networks. As we […]

Snapchat: Always live – The all-rounder in everyday life

Snapchat it an application for the mobile phone, which is particularly used by young people. It serves mainly to send pictures among friends back and forth. The sent photo is visible to the other about 10 seconds. Many stars and starlets use Snapchat for their