Combin InstaCheck: The new Instagram Profile Check – Software Test
Insta Profile Check – You founded a startup and now you have your first Instagram channel? Your company has been active for many years but now on Instagram for the first time? Before you start publishing content on a daily basis, the first question for many is, is my Instagram channel set up optimally?
Instagram Check: New from Combin
Combin’s new Instagram account check for your Instagram channel. Especially the channel information is important for companies but also for private individuals (e.g. if they want to become an influencer). In the later InstaCheck reporting example, we show you the profile of a videographer who wants to present his work on Instagram in order to gain new customers and orders.
Check out more about the Combin InstaCheck here.
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What makes the Insta profile so important?
The profile contains the central information, but also web links and of course the own profile photo.
The profile photo determines whether your channel is clicked frequently or not. Your description ensures that potential customers become aware of your product or service. The website link then leads to conversion (newsletter subscription, online shop sale, etc).
Is your Instagram channel set up optimally?
Increase reach through attractive packaging
That Instagram plays an important role for businesses is no longer a secret. The advantages that you can draw with the app for yourself and the reach that is achievable on Instagram, was previously unthinkable. Despite this, many businesses, as well as private individuals, find it difficult to grow their account. Combin has developed a new tool that provides tips about content creation and engagement through personalized analytics tailored to the individual account. Today, we’re taking a look together at exactly what InstaCheck can do and how it will improve your Instagram account.
Analysis summarized:
- Entire Instagram Profile Review
- Analysis of content creation + content ideas
- Caption analysis
- Hashtag analysis
- Analysis of customer engagement
The finished report is in English, we have translated the results of an example check for you here. The example is about a videographer who wants to present his work on Instagram in order to attract new customers and orders.
This is how your report looks exemplary:
Your account’s username is clear, short, it has the subscore between your actual first and last name – all of which helps people remember you and find you more easily.
Don’t forget to have the same username on all your other social media networks.
Profile photo
The overall impression is good. But, since you’re a professional photographer and videographer, I recommend you replace that picture with a higher quality picture + not selfie. Your profile photo is the first photo people judge you by, so I advise you to replace it with a higher quality photo.
First, what’s good about your avatar:
- It is rich in contrast
- He is bright
- It highlights your account in a search tab (compared to other users’ avatars)
- The background does not go well with your face
- No details and small objects
Tweaks you should make:
- No sunglasses, so face recognition is lost, this is important as new content is often only viewed for 2-3 seconds
- Minimize free space at the top, so more of the face is visible
- Higher image quality
Organic: The first look
What’s good about your bio:
- Your name in two languages
- Hashtags that match your profession and occupation
- Short clear phrases that tell people more info about you (also in two languages – that’s great!)
- Link to your website
- Contact options: direct, e-mail, telephone number
What’s missing:
- Location tag (you mentioned it here ‘Travel vlogger from Sweden’, a location tag looks elegant and more precise + helps people find you + frees up extra space in your bio for more info or hashtag)
- Call to action (CTA like “Watch more videos here”).
- The name of your company/business (only for people who associate you with your business), in addition to your real name.
Branding and channel aesthetics
Branding and aesthetics are real must-haves these days, especially on Instagram, it’s all about “looking good” here.
Why. Take a typical consumer, he or she is going through Instagram and upon “discovering” it, briefly lingers on your photo. The picture is great, or hilarious, or instantly intriguing for some other reason and the caption complements it perfectly. They tap on the username and check out your profile.
Optimize User Journey
No matter what your brand’s reason for being on Instagram, this is a pivotal moment. Every goal you can think of hinges on those few critical seconds when a user views your Instagram profile. A few quick decisions are made in that moment:
- Will they read your biography?
- Click on the link?
- Will they follow you?
All these steps depend on how your profile is designed.
Channel Information and Profile Feed
When Instagram users land on your profile, the grid of thumbnails takes up most of the screen.
Whether it is appealing to the eye or unappealing will influence the decision to access further content about you (website link) or follow your channel.
It is therefore essential to
That you schedule your Instagram feed.
To tell you the truth, I don’t have a unique
Style found in your Instagram feed. The feed consists of a lot of bright colors that do not create a harmonious picture.
But isn’t that just your trademark (landmark) as a videographer? You should…
Check out more about the Combin InstaCheck here.
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