Tag Archive for: Magazine

Top 7 fashion magazines from New York +1 Special

These days, most people spend their free time watching Netflix or hanging out on Instagram and Youtube. How about reading another good old magazine? Especially in fashion and lifestyle this is not so boring and is a good alternative to Instagram to be inspired by the many designers, photographers and models. Today we exclusively show […]

Adobe InDesign: Video tutorial for layout, pages and text linking – free tutorial

In my new tutorial, we’ll take a look at how Adobe InDesign works in its basics! Link text boxes together, distribute text on multiple pages, work with frames, set lines and line widths but also fonts in InDesign. Video Tutorial: Create Case Study Calendar I wanted a simple calendar! The tutorial video came about because […]

Influencer marketing on the rise / Interview Internet World Business

Influencer Marketing – “2017 was a year in which a much ridiculed trend grew into an adult industry,” reads the headline on the latest articles in Internet World Business. Then Influencer Marketingerreicht mittlerweile nicht nur Vorreiter sondern auch etablierte Agenturen, die sich immer mehr auf diese neue Form der Reichweiten Generierung für Marketingaktionen verlassen. Influencers […]

Instagram Story: Now with polls, opportunities and risks for influencers and brands

Now in Internet World Business magazine, the new interview with social media expert Stephan M. Czaja on the topic of “Influencer Marketing: New survey function of Instagram Stories”. Social media networks have changed the world and influencer marketing is changing the world of advertising. With constantly new features, social networks also advertise themselves. Instagram now […]

Influencer vs Musicians: New advertising campaigns in the fashion world

Influencer vs Musicians – After our last TV interview on the subject of “Unicorns in Social Media Marketing”, the current interview of the TextilWirtschaft magazine saw a new trend, or a tried and true one that is slowly regaining attention: musicians! After the influencer