Tag Archive for: Instagram

Social Media Marketing Report Braunschweig

The ease of use of social networks make our communication with friends, family, and colleagues more straightforward than ever. Smart social media campaigns market your new products much more effectively. Social Media Marketing Agency Our agency focuses on strong, viral brands. In Hamburg, Frankfurt and in Munich, we have managed first-class social media campaigns in […]

Social Media Marketing Report Mönchen-Gladbach

Social networks are a network of dynamic groups of people, various platforms and technical functions that make our communication with friends ubiquitous and multimedia. Smart social media campaigns market products or services much more effectively and through target group targeting with much less risk of wastage than in traditional media. Increase your net profit right […]

Social Media Marketing Report Bielefeld

According to the ARD/ZDF study, more than 60 million German citizens are active on the Internet. 1 in 3 Germans is registered on Facebook. Potential customers also in Berlin, which you can advertise extremely precisely at any time. What makes Instagram so strong as an influencer channel is its very fine target group targeting. Social […]

Social Media Marketing Report Chemnitz

Soziale Netzwerke machen unsere Kommunikation mit Freunden, Kollegen und Familie so einfach, deshalb sind wir auch immer online. Gut abgestimmte Social Media Kampagnen vermarkten Produkte deutlich effizienter und durch Retargeting mit wesentlich geringerem Streurisiko als in klassischen Medien, wie Zeitungen. extrem schnelle Steigerung der Reichweite. Wir haben Online Kampagnen für renomierte Kunden von Berlin, Hamburg, […]

Dortmund: Speaker for Social Media Marketing & Digital Transformation

Social Media Dortmund – The digital transformation and digitalization are present in all of our daily lives. In our lectures we as speakers give detailed answers to your questions. No theoretical knowledge, we offer practical experience and know-how from different media projects. As digital natives, we somehow always spend our time on the social web. […]

Referral spam? Solution & Tutorial for your Google Analytics Account and FTP / .htaccess

Referral spam from landing pages like semalt.com disturbs webmasters in their analyses, like in Google Analytics, enormously! But don’t worry, there are simple little tutorials that help to remove such spam from your own data. Already in June I wrote a small article about how to exclude spam pages via .htaccess. But since many people […]