Tag Archive for: Become independent

Lean Canvas Part 1/3: Product & USP | Fries are boring! – Marketing Podcast

Develop and validate business ideas in 9 steps. In episode #4, you’ll learn about the Lean Canvas! The first part is about your product, which is the business idea itself. That is 1) the problem, so you find the best 2) solutions and your 3) user promise, so your USP. Also, the tip of the […]

You’re fired! Trump vs Twitter + Pinterest Power – Marketing Podcast

Pinterest for Traffic and US Elections with Trump Throwback. In episode #3, Lasse introduces Pinterest. Looking at the stock and testing: how much does advertising cost on Pinterest? Plus a throwback on Donald Trump, who is now being replaced by Joe Biden. Plus Lasse’s top 3 books for entrepreneurs. Now on Amazon, Deezer, Google and […]