Salary: How much money does a Performance / Social Media Marketing Manager earn?

Social media salary – The salary (income, wage) of a social media manager varies depending on the tasks for which one is involved. Then again, there are jobs, e.g. in performance marketing, where you not only have the fixed salary, but also an additional bonus, e.g. if the turnover has exceeded a certain level. For orientation of the salaries in a social media agency, here is a rough overview of the average wages in the industry.

Example salary

  1. Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager

Are you looking for a good job? Send us your application (m/f/x) as Social Media Manager.

  • Start: 38.300 Euro / year
  • Average: 45,100 euros / year
  • Peak: 55,100 euros / year

Source: Stepstone.

Performance Marketing Manager

More power! Send us your application as Performance Marketing Manager.

  • Start: 41,675 Euro / year
  • Average: 46,790 euros / year
  • Peak: 52,540 euros / year
