Develop social media strategy: case study product evaluation and ABC analysis
Who are you? Already the big sticking point. Do people love the brand or do they use the brand? Our starting point. Main sentence before starting to think about marketing strategy as a company, it is important to first focus exactly what we as a company, agency, product, service or club can score. Therefore, it is important to first highlight our core area, ie the products that work well or the products that could be of interest to our customers or new customers. It is worth taking a comprehensive look at the various product groups, but also on the individual products offered by our company.
Direct selling in the trade vs online shop: Separation
In principle, are the marketing strategies for products distributed in the trade different from those that are traded online? Yes! Definitely. Our Geißlein is so general that you can adopt this concept for your brand, in direct sales, stationary in the trade or even for their digital products.
Getting shoppers from an online video to visit downtown or the supermarket is very difficult. The barriers are just too high. First of all, your own stream of information is very full, that is, if we generate attention for a moment, that attention is gone in the next moment. Therefore one tries as social media agency to take the contact person directly with the first sighting. For example By entering in a newsletter or the direct click on the link, with which the customer lands directly in the online shop to order the product itself. Direct the own sales process organized, the higher the conversion at the end of the day. For companies, a jump of 2.5% in the conversion already makes a lot. If we sell 1000 products a month so far, we can increase sales to 1025. Should I have a 2.5% increase is already achievable through small changes in the advertisements or in the posting concept. Let us now come to the classification of products and product groups.
- Short attention span at the buyer
- Social media agency would like the buyers by eg. Take entry in newsletter at the first sighting
Why is it worthwhile clustering your own products?
Whether on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram, every day you have only one posting or 3 to 4 stories available, so you can cover a product range of over 1000 products, of course, only poorly. But social media is not only used as a sales channel but also as a marketing channel, and we should focus on the products that have been well received by our buyers and that work. So we not only ensure that the interaction remains relatively high, by the already popular content, never change a winning team!
Task: Compress to ‘Running products’ / prepare for uniqueness
Identify product groups: A-B-C analysis
Before we turn to individual products, we take a look at our product groups. Are there already glaring differences in the large grouping? If yes, you can already set here, they are z.b. a great bike online retailer, then maybe best sell bikes. So it makes sense on Instagram to talk less about mechanical parts or to promote a screwdriver. Of course, in some postings, if bent possible, but then you should focus on bicycles. As a result, our fans know what it’s all about. If the products we market frequently deviate too much from our actual subject matter, many will not understand our concept at first sight. But especially in the social networks on fast information exchange arrives and thus the parameters for a sighting are different, for a commercial in the cinema, we like to take 20 seconds, for a channel on Instagram, we may have only a second. This is our leeway, the more we know which product group represents our company and our brand, the easier it is to communicate information to our customers. The easier the information is transmitted, the higher the success.
A-B-C analysis to find A products (integration)
Depending on the size of the company, the product groups can also be defined in an ABC analysis. When doing this you should always keep in mind to cover a maximum of 5% of the range with your A products. The B products, also running well but not so perfect, should make C & A 20% of the volume. We then categorize the remaining 75% of our product range under C. Looking back on our online commerce, we could now say that our products are bicycles from a higher price range. Our customers pay attention to quality and therefore usually buy higher quality bicycles. Customers who prefer cheap bicycles, anyway in the discount store around the corner buy. We carry products like helmets under B, they are important, sell well and bring a relatively good margin. Under category C then fall products such as bicycle tubes, since the profit share is relatively low, as screws, nuts or screwdriver set.
- Focus on the product
- Quick exchange of information in social networks so that the parameters for a sighting are different
- Categorization of the product family
Products: Set on our top products for promotion on Facebook, Instagram & Youtube
Now that we have differentiated our product groups for sale on social networks and also categorized, we can now focus on individual products. While we previously had a relatively large group of products, we now look at the individual goods. This can be important not only for ads but also for all organic traffic. If we have potential on Instagram for people from 18 to 32, predominantly, that is to say 60%, female, we should offer our products accordingly. A lady’s bike should be in the foreground, men’s bikes a little in the background. At the same time you can use this for actions and z.b. targeted women, with the offer for a couple purchase. Buy 2 bikes and save 20%!
We now decide on the products that are officially to be seen for our fans and followers. As our timeline, unlike a story, is constantly visible to everyone, we obviously need to focus on a few products that best represent our company, as described earlier.
Tip! Who wants to create a guideline for the social media marketing campaigns or postings in his own company, should stick to all products hereby. These examples can be supplemented later also excellent bullet points, z.b. for product variations or new products that are required for this particular class. In sickness cases but also on vacation, every employee has so quickly all the important information at hand and can act accordingly.
Bestseller Offline: Getting customers into the business – but when?
Anyone who is not only active in online trading but also stationary, should also make a division of the bestsellers from the trade and a second with the bestseller online. For many companies, sales differ. A very simple example is TV sets. They are big, bulky and many want to compare your high end TV set in advance of the purchase. Many are still buying in the classic electronics market. Here you can see different TV manufacturers on site and compare the devices with each other, image resolution, color spectrum and so on. High-quality TV sets are still a product that is traded in stationary stores. At the same time, electronics manufacturers may even offer you a SmartHome system. This tax z.b. the lights, the light intensity but also the colors. This product is being bought by a great many people on the internet, as it is possible to obtain information online and the direct comparison with other manufacturers does not require a visit to the Internet. Thus, the same company has a different focus in brick-and-mortar retail, which means that marketing campaigns that are based on this stationary trade must contain corresponding products. The same applies to the digital sale of products.
News: Announcement, presentation and takeover in portfolio
New products are extremely different. While automobile companies market a novelty large and already announce months in advance, innovations are z.b. In the post trade or at Amazon dealers relatively fast-paced and equipped without much marketing budget. Whether long-term or short-term, novelties should always have their own post in social media planning. Because what is it about in social networks? Distraction, entertainment, news, trends! All this we can deliver with some planning. A new product can already be advertised in advance, z.b. simply through an Instagram story. Here is already indicated that there will be a fantastic, new product from our house soon! In 3 days you will learn more. With such a small but also with complex and stories, here the comparison to the automobile industry, it is possible to make novelties an integral part of the social media strategy. Due to the frequent posting of news, we can also distinguish ourselves clearly from other companies. In particular, the constant provision of news and information, is operated by a few companies. The production of this content is relatively expensive and the production z.b. Photoshop requires a lot of expertise and expertise. Not only when it comes to the simple creation of graphics but also when it gets more complex, eg. with animated pictures or with videos.
- Own post for news in social media planning
- New products e.g. Apply via Instagram Story
- Frequent posting of news to other companies
Conclusion Product Rating for Social Media Planning
When planning your social media strategy, think about which products are of interest to you at the beginning of any consideration!
- Which products work well?
- Which products attract attention?
- Which products have a high margin?
- Which products can be delivered worldwide?
- Which products have shipping charges?
After the internal evaluation all these questions and the breakdown, z.b. in an ABC analysis, the best products help you to find out. The better you focus your own product portfolio, finding a common thread, the easier it is for your fans and followers to understand the content or the messages.
Did you know, every time you log in to Facebook we have an average of 1500 news. On Instagram it’s no different, you do not log every 30 minutes a particular just once or twice a day. And that is the rule! Facebook, Instagram, YouTube sort so exactly what content currently relevant to us and which are not. If you’re already at the beginning of your social media strategy to use only those products that are guaranteed to appeal to their fans, you can already contribute a great deal to interaction and relevance.
- Social media filters out relevant content
Corporate Philosophy and Values in Social Media Strategy
The next article in our social media blog is about companies and their philosophy. What do I have to take for my social media strategy and planning in terms of values, history and competition in my own company environment?