Tag Archive for: USP

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): The importance of unique selling propositions – definition, guidance & examples.

Unique Selling Proposition – The term USP belongs to marketing and refers to a unique value proposition that leads to a competitive advantage or differentiates the company from the competition and represents a demonstrable customer benefit. The USP can be equated with a unique selling proposition. Why is a USP so important? A USP is […]

Lean Canvas Part 1/3: Product & USP | Fries are boring! – Marketing Podcast

Develop and validate business ideas in 9 steps. In episode #4, you’ll learn about the Lean Canvas! The first part is about your product, which is the business idea itself. That is 1) the problem, so you find the best 2) solutions and your 3) user promise, so your USP. Also, the tip of the […]