Tag Archive for: List

Search Engine Optimization Berlin: SEO Recommendations for Onpage & Offpage

Everyone knows search engines, first and foremost Google, of course, and the task of a search engine is to give the searcher the best possible results for the search terms. With SEO measures you achieve that the website of a company – provided the content is right – is placed as favorably as possible in […]

15+ WordPress plugins! Free for better content, SEO, Spam & Co.

40 million websites are based on WordPress. WordPress plugins are indispensable for webmasters, bloggers, self-employed and companies. In the following article I will introduce you to the ten best free plugins you should use when you start your own media project on the Internet. The list is specifically designed for small businesses, self-employed and bloggers. […]

Content Management / CMS- The Top 5 from WordPress to Typo3 and Cantao

Content management for companies (i.e. for websites and online shops) deals with all activities, processes and tools around clean data management. This is not only about texts, i.e. content, but also about the media management of graphics, videos or directories. Often companies start with little content, a homepage, some information about the company or agency, […]