“Influencer Marketing is on the rise!” – that’s what the headline above our last interview says. Today we’re giving you 2 hours of know how for free! With Social Analytics we make Influencer Marketing on Instagram possible for all agencies, companies, brands and online shops from Berlin to Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. So that really everyone can learn how it works, we now have our two-hour free video tutorial! Over two hours we look at all the relevant topics: Definition, development of social networks, categorization, benefits, risks and finally the entire campaign planning: briefing for the influencer, contacting, contract, processing and monitoring including all essential software tools like Hootsuite. We have divided the video series into 6 parts, each with about twenty minutes of know-how for your marketing.
Influencer Marketing Online Course: Topics
Click here to go back to the overview Social Media Manager > Influencer Marketing
- Definition, Development, Youtube, Facebook & Instagram
- Blogger Relations? Advantages and disadvantages of the method
- Social media software tools for post scheduling and followers
- KPIs (key performance indicators), goals and planning of the social media campaign
- Quality and quantity of bloggers and interaction
- Briefing, forecasts, contact establishment and monitoring
- Certificate Test Influencer Marketing Instagram
Excerpts must be marked © Stephan M. Czaja, Social Media One 2018
Free Online Course #1: Influencer Marketing Basics
Introduction to Influencer Marketing: Definition, Development and Risk Assessment
- Definition
- Development of social networks / social value
- Social Network Ranking, Values of the Networks
- Classification and categories
- Advantages Influencer Marketing
- Risks
Software Support Basics: Smart Tools for Agencies
- Hootsuite / Screencast
- Social Analytics / Screencast
- Instazood / Screencast
Create an Influencer Concept: Here’s how
- Definition of objectives
- Possible applications / SA Hashtag Analyser
- Qualitative and quantitative attributes of the influencer
- Influencer Search / SA Research / SA Manager
- Briefing for the Influencer
- Contact
- Contract
- Settlement
- Offers for agencies / SA campaign planners
- Monitoring / SA Monitoring
- Conclusion
Definition of Influencer Marketing: Influence
First, the free video tutorial is about defining influencer marketing. A definition of influencer marketing is in very short form, the influence of people through multipliers. Influencers can be many people, not just bloggers who are currently on everyone’s lips. Influencers are also journalists, politicians, athletes, musicians, actors and many other people. But what is important is that they influence other people through their targeted publication. Those aged 14 to 19 have a particular affinity for influencers. Last year, over 50% bought a product based on a blogger’s recommendation. This shows the extreme impact with young target groups. However, 33% of the 20 to 29 year olds have also decided to buy a product, only because of the recommendation of a blogger. Likewise, it is still 25% among 30 to 39 year olds. However, influencer marketing is not only very efficient with private individuals, 95% of editors also start their search on the Internet and in social media. If you have a presence on social networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, you will not only be noticed by private individuals, but also by the media. This further increases the reach.
Influencer marketing
- Influence
- Especially teenagers
- Recommendation, evaluation Opinion
- High credibility
- 92% trust recommendations from people<
(even if they don’t know them)
also PR: - 95% of editors use search engines for research
Development of social networks / social value
Understanding the evolution of social networks in principle is an important tool to be successful influencer marketing of the modern media mix. In the video tutorial I talk about the first pioneers: forums, eBay and MySpace. All the way to modern media and the social influence that emanates from social networks and the extremely fast dissemination of information.
- Forums and pioneers like Ebay
- First communities (Myspace) and data transfers (Napster)
- The Web 2.0: Constant networking<
Social networks have revolutionized the entire world - Bloggers and opinion leaders
- Social commerce: recommendation buying
Social networks in comparison: Big 3
The big three social networks (almost) all have one billion users. Facebook and YouTube have long had more than one billion active users, Instagram will make it this year. On Facebook, 19 million people are active visitors every day, from Germany alone. This means that one third of Germans are on Facebook every day. YouTube is the number one source of information for entertainment but also for helpful and educational videos. Instagram is establishing itself as the biggest social network in the world. We take a look at the big three, their user numbers and the opportunities that open up for influencer marketing but also general online marketing for companies and agencies.
Facebook: Over 1.5 billion users
- 31 million users<
19 million active now day - Overlay of news, groups, pages
- Viral groups as an alternative
- Advertising as a must<
Even advertising played out slowly, overlay
Youtube: Number one for videos and entertainment
- 4 – 8 million frequently / regularly depending on survey
- Long-term placement / call-offs
- High involvement
- SEO aspect
Instagram: Trendsetter of the networks
- 15 million users active every month
- People under 15 years old over 30 min daily
- Daily entertainment
- Cheap compare Youtube / FB Ads