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Facebook Ads Agency Tips! How do you crack the 1 cent CPC mark?

Why do companies make Facebook advertising? Advertising on Facebook helps initially to generate reach. Who is in the reach of reach, this own products can play, of course also services or software tools. Any entrepreneur or company that is at its beginning usually has the same basic problem, for your own application is too little […]

Influencer – Social Media Marketing Success for Businesses

Influencers are more important than ever in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Influences are nothing new in themselves. There have been many public figures who have played a special role as opinion leaders. Athletes, actors, models or even a lot of bloggers. A guarantee

Posting time for Facebook, Twitter & Co

The optimal posting time? Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or blog postings, finding the right time for a posting within a social media strategy is not always easy.

Sales and sales promotion through Social Media Marketing + Best Practice figures

Sales promotion through social media marketing – Sometimes it can be so simple. Digital transformation is a buzzword for many. This is really only about bringing the sales prospect from the mailbox into a new, digital form. How about social media marketing? Whether Facebook

Facebook Marketing 2017 – Success through fanpage, design and ads

Facebook is now the giant, the old man and yet the innovator. Thus, innovations in the functions, the possibilities, in the design and of course social media innovations like Facebook Live come constantly. If you are not yet using Facebook extensively, take a look at the new, simple design

Facebook Fanpage Management – Social Media Channel Building

This morning we had in the office a very extensive inquiry on the subject of fanpage management – many unresolved issues and much interest in the topic. That is why we would like to help and provide our customers with a detailed answer to the subject of fanpage

The new Facebook Audience Insights: Everything you need to know as a site operator!

Are you looking for a tool that allows you to select the target group of your Facebook advertising even more effectively? Would you like to get an even more accurate picture of the people you can reach on Facebook

Video Tutorials! Hilfe für Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest & mehr

Free video tutorials on social media marketing? There is not any? There is! After our last lecture in Berlin, we caught up with the Youtube camera and are now producing small videos, which enable you online marketing or more targeted social media marketing